'Sup, folks.
One of the cool things this little town or ours does during the summer is provide free, open-air
concerts to the masses
every week. This '
Bread and Circus' management approach by the municipal powers that be definitely screams '
Midland,' but it's appreciated - we make an effort to head downtown every Thursday for
Tunes By the Tridge to check out the week's musical act(s).
Some are definitely better than others - the 'Bro Country' acts are usually abysmal (like, comically bad) - but the last two weeks we've gotten lucky. Kris' favorite night of the summer, by far, is Dueling Pianos, which usually kicks off the summer program, so it was mandatory that we head downtown for that one. Our local friend group are big proponents of this weekly outing, so we usually have four or five families on hand to hang out with down there. Each night we pack up a cooler and some camping chairs and stake out a space on the grass, then proceed to hang out for a couple hours while traveling troubadours play for our amusement.
Today's post highlights the last two weeks' concerts, which were both pretty cool. We're kinda busy the next two Thursdays, so we may not get back around to Tunes By the Tridge until July - have to play it by ear.
Anyway, here you go, kids - enjoy.
Thursday, June 6th: Dueling Pianos
The weather has been pretty solid the first stretch of June, and the night we came out for Dueling Pianos was no different - no rain, high 70s (a little overcast for my liking - no bronzing to be had - but decent enough.) Turnout for this inaugural concert is usually pretty high, and so it came to no surprise that it was pretty packed down there. |
Erik and I had a Masonic funeral to attend for an old brother who had passed away, and so we weren't rolling in until, like, 7:30pm or so, but Kris, the Colliers, and all the kids were able to get down there and snag a spot for our group. |
By the time we finally got there, the two dueling pianists - and an accompanying drummer this year, a first - were in the middle of busting out pop standards. |
This one was a song made popular from the cheesy movie Dolphin Tale that Abby was obsessed with back when she was super little (and that we consequently checked out one Spring Break back when we lived in Florida.)
Kris and Melanie |
Abby and Ella, taking advantage of the local food trucks that always come out for Tunes By the Tridge. |
Alayna brought along her friend Amelia for the evening (always keep the kids out of our hair if they bring along friends to wander around with.) |
Lonnie Big Balls (at left) rolled in with his fam about a half an hour after we first got there. |
The jams keep coming. . . |
Two idiots, fighting over a balloon apparently. |
This vid definitely sums it up what it's like down by the Tridge on nights like this.
Yours Truly, Stephanie and Lonnie, Erik, and the Colliers, Ryan and Mees. |
Jesus Christ, this kid really likes her balloon. . . |
Frickin' kid enjoys stealing my hat off my head when I'm least expecting it. . . |
The show ended around 9pm, and people began to wander off back towards their cars. Our group, however, continued to sit around, having drinks and hanging out. |
Meanwhile, Abby and Ella were still running around downtown and snapping off glamour pics for their social media accounts (I assume.) |
Not sure why The H Hotel is such a point of interest for these two, but whatever. . . |
~4.jpg) |
Yeah. . . we're those people. |
The girls took turns taking pics in a tree at the end of the night on our way back to the cars (when we finally got everybody motivated enough to leave.) |

Thursday, June 13th: 90's
The following week was warmer, sunnier, and we were actually able to get down there right when it started. |
Abby was kind of in a funk when we first got there, but fortunately she snapped out of it after awhile. |
Mitch came out this time around (sans Kelli, though.) |
Turnout this week was even heavier than last week, on account of the marginally nicer weather, but since we were able to get down there earlier we were able to get decent seats (and parking.) |
At one point, some of the dads wanted to grab some drinks downtown, so as we were walking down Main Street we spotted this random cat inside the abandoned floor of the Larkin Building (which houses my Masonic Lodge up on the third floor, if you'll remember.) This floor used to be Oscar's, one of Midland's old bars downtown, but the owner sold it years ago, and it's been empty since. This cat - Weezy, I guess - must be such a regular that whoever is caretaking this empty floor made the cat it's own sign. |
Just look at how much fun Abby is having. . . |
Chucks and Concerts. |
The Cannonball favorite: The 0.5 Forced Perspective |
Some Kings of the Hill: Collier, Erik and Mitch |
And, like last time, Abby and Ella had to get a few pics for their social media nonsense on the way out of there (courtesy of the Cannonball.) |
Teens are so edgy. . . |
Kris, Mees and Courtney, mid-gossip. |
Closing down Tunes By the Tridge, just like last week. Gotta wonder if we're pissing anyone off by doing this every week. . . |
Once again, on the steps of The H Hotel. |
And, in closing, here we have Samson and Watson, who were totally fine with resuming couch time once we had gotten home and started watching some TV before turning in for the night. |
- Brian
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