Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Cannonball's Sweet 16, Pt. II


The next morning, around 10am or so, I loaded up Ella and Abby (and the dogs) and headed out to our family lakehouse on Eight Point Lake. We were skeptical about the weather at first but it ended up being sunny and high-70's for the majority of our time up there.
Kris, Alayna, and four of her friends - Maddie, Lexi, Amelia, and Toby - rolled in about an hour and a half after us, by which point in time I had successfully blown up Kris' floating raft and established headquarters. With the girls' help, we were able to carry it over the sand and rocks of the beach area and place it in the newly-expanded swimming area by the docks.
The lake water level is considerably lower than in previous years, to the point where the boat launches couldn't function in their usual spots. To remedy this, Dad bought a 20-foot extension for the dock in order to house the boats in deeper water, but since these were installed a day or two before our arrival, there still hadn't been time to install the launches. . . meaning we were without boats on this particular visit.
The girls were placated with sunbathing on the raft for the time being, and I had psyched myself up to the realization that I'd be shuttling kids about the lake on the jet ski for the duration of our time there.
At least it's sunny out. . .
Alayna, Abby and the friends that had previously been up to the lake countless times before - Lexi, Ella, and Maddie - were adamant about hanging out on the Sandbar for a couple hours, so I began to shuttle kids over there, two and a time, while running over supplies (like my JBL bluetooth boombox, snacks, drinks, balls, sunscreen, etc.) in the stow compartment of the jet ski.
The kids hung out at the Sandbar for probably two hours (which might have had something to do with the fact that there were a group of shirtless, teenage boys playing volleyball up there), before they called asking to be picked up. When I rolled in to grab the first two, I found our kids herding along a flock of Loons. . . like normal people do.
Abby gets a photo op on the jet ski for the 'Gram.
Packing up another couple of kids for the ride back to the lakehouse.
Ella the pack horse.
Just look at all the parenting Kris is doing right now. . .
Abby takes a break on the beach.
The bedroom on the lower level where Alayna and her friends were going to be crashing for the night.
While kids settled in from their time on the Sandbar - whether they went back to sunning on the raft, or changing back into normal clothes - Cindy whipped up some mid-afternoon snacks.
Abby and Ella get down on some of Nana's taco dip.
Samson's a big fan of Bailey and Finley's squeak toys (we usually don't buy them at our house because the dogs shred theirs so damn fast.)
I'm the designated watermelon-guy, so whenever we come up to the lakehouse I bring one with me and slice it up for the folks on hand. These two requested slices instead of cubes (which is, you know, just plain weird.)
The ever-popular mirror selfie.
Cindy decorated the inside of the lakehouse with Sweet 16 decor, which was much appreciated by the Cannonball.
Samson's never quite sure what to do with himself while up at the lake.
Alayna and Lexi fill up on some taco dip as well.
Hanging out inside and not whipping kids around the lake on a jet ski (I logged, like, four hours on that damn thing throughout the afternoon.)
Back to tanning on the raft.
Dad's old high school buddy - and fellow lake resident - Carl, offered to lend us use of his pontoon boat for a cruise around the lake, knowing that our boat was temporarily out of service and we had seven teenager girls on hand to entertain (which was super nice of him.) 
The sun had beat the shit out of a lot of the kids by this point in time, so they were pretty chilled out.
Nagatha Christie.
Pretty solid bronzing weather out on the high seas today.
Hey look, there's me.
Worn out Freshmen.
It's cool, sit wherever, Maddie.
Pontoon Captain
Undertaking the mandatory buzz-by of the old, rental college we used from 2002 - 2019. Every year it seems like these change something about the backyard.
Heading out of the cove and back into the main lake.
That chick is gonna crash hard tonight. . .
The Cannonball captures a couple of her favorite, 0.5 forced perspective pics. . .
Back at the lakehouse, she took. . . whatever the hell this is.
Abby naps on the living room couch.
The rest of the girls entertained themselves with music and cards on the deck while Cindy started to get dinner around.
Kris continues working on her Momcation playlist.
Putting on The Cannonball's Sweet 16 sash.
After dinner, we managed to get a few pics on the deck of folks.
Belle of the Ball
(Cindy didn't make this.)
The Houghs
After food, cake, and ice cream, the teens retreated back downstairs into their lair and we adults hung out upstairs for a bit and enjoyed some duty-free, lounge time.
As it began to get dark out, Yours Truly made a bonfire for the kids for s'mores and whatever.
We hung out fireside for a couple hours before folks started to get tired and began to head indoors. Lots of us got eaten alive by mosquitoes, but didn't realize it until the next day - that's always fun.
Some pic of the moon Alayna took on her phone.
Opting not to leave the girls downstairs in charge of the dogs, we kept the dog bed in the room with us (where they doubled-up for the night, something they do whenever this happens.) The next morning, we let the kids sleep in a bit and Kris and I deflated and stowed the floating raft, picked up all our stuff, and slowly got our giant, gaggle of teens assembled. This was our first outing to Eight Point this year, and while it wasn't the multi-day, boat-heavy visit that we usually have, it was still pretty fun. And a cool way to celebrate the Cannonball's Sweet 16. Until next time, folks.

- Brian

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