What up, players.
Today probably signaled the end of '
Winter' (if we can even call it that this year) more than any other freakish, 72-degree day we've had over the last month or two.
Not that it was particularly warm out this evening or anything - far from it, it was in the upper-40s and overcast - but nothing really cries '
SPRING' like
Opening Day with the
Great Lakes Loons at Midland's own
Dow Diamond.
As most of you
very well know by now, I'm
hardly what one could consider a sports enthusiast by any means, but I thoroughly enjoy going to a game at the local arena
(or whatever you call the place where baseballers play.) Our group of dads down a few 32 oz beers, we walk around the bump into other locals we know about town, and otherwise enjoy the bread and circus.
(We sat and watched the game for, like, 20 minutes.) |
We occasionally watch the game, too. Once and a great while.

This year we stayed until the end of the 8th inning, and left when it was obvious the Loons had the game in the bag (they ended up winning anyway. . . not that any of us really cared.) Afterwards, we walked downtown and met the wives over at, what I consider, the shittiest drinking hole in town -
Three Bridges. I steadfastly refrained from buying a drink during the 20-30 minutes we were there, out of protest (I despise that bar but the wives love it), and probably due to my groaning we went over to
Whichcraft and there hung out to close out the night.
So here you go, folks - Opening Day of Spring. Sort of.
Some edgy dude carved this above one of the urinals in the men's room. So hardcore. |
Some of the guys met up earlier in the evening at Decker's (a nearby bar downtown), but that was about the same time I was getting out of work so I just had Kris drop me off at the arena (or whatever it's called) around 6pm. After meeting up with everyone, we grabbed some beers and made our way to our reserved seats. |
Those empty seats there between Morgan and Tom is where we ended up staying for, like, 20 minutes or so. |
Some sun would have been cool this evening, but it was in the high-40s/low-50s with little wind, so it was manageable. After sitting for a bit we got up and did a lap around the Diamond. |
Morgan, Mitch and Tom |
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Getting a group selfie for Opening Night (Morgan, Lonnie, Erik, Yours Truly, Tom and Mitch.) |
Coming back into the Concourse for another round of beers, we bumped into the legendary Captain of Z93 fame. I managed this pic of him talking to Erik about something-or-other Loons related (he does PR for them and the surveying company Erik works for is doing some work with the organization.) I got to pose for a pic with this dude last year (I grew up listening to him on a daily basis while in high school.) |
After a few beers (and very little baseball-watching) we decided to leave and head downtown to meet up with the wives. |
On our way out Erik wanted to stop and check out the Midland County Sports Hall of Fame (which is just as impressive as it sounds. . .) |
(Most of these people were local coaches, or else state champions or record-setters - not like pro-ballers or anything.) |
When we arrived at super-shitty Three Bridges, it fortunately wasn't as packed the last time we had all been in there (after our St. Patrick's Day outing to Clare), and we were able to find an empty table. The wives were seated at the table behind us, so it kinda defeated the purpose of us even being there. But whatever. |
Tom gets another group selfie. The other guys ordered a round here but I wasn't about to give this place one cent of my money - this place sucks. |
Tom gets a group pic of the moms doing a round of shots (you can spot Kris there right to the right of Mitch's head.) |
Susan, Courtney, Kris, Danielle, and Stephanie. |
After one round of drinks there - maybe because I was boycotting it, who knows, but I'd like to think the other guys had come to their senses - we decided to peace out and head down a block or two and hit up my favorite downtown watering hole, Whichcraft. |
Passed by the ol' Larkin Building on our walk down (our Masonic lodge meets on the top floor a few times per month.) |
Whichcraft. We had sat at a much smaller table at first, as the wives were still finishing up the drinks at the last place, but when one of the larger, bench-styled tables opened up that could accommodate our whole group opened up we moved. For whatever reason, Tom - which you can see in the center, there - refused to move for a bit (he was a bit tipsy at this point.) |
A few folks ordered some appetizers and snacks while we polished off a couple, last rounds for the evening. |
We ended up staying there for about an hour and a half, before folks decided to call it a night around 11pm or so. |
The whole group (sans Yours Truly, who - of course - was the one taking the pic.) |
Everyone dispersed towards their respective cars at the end of the night, with the Johnsons and Griffins sticking together because they had parked on the same side street. When they were stepping onto the street, Stephanie tripped off the curb and totally ate shit on the pavement. . . directly in front of a parked cop car (which you can see right behind Lonnie.) Fortunately the guy didn't tail any of their vehicles home. . . |
This is what Kris and I came home to. Alayna and the dogs asleep in bed, with Abby passed out on the living room couch with a movie blaring. Gotta love Fridays. . . |
- Brian
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