Saturday, March 12, 2022

Murder at the Disco

Welcome back, party people.

Our friends, the Larsons, hosted a ton of people over at their house last night for Danielle's 40th Birthday. This was, without a doubt, probably the most elaborate party this friend group of ours has ever had, and that's saying a lot considering all the Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day parties we've had over the years.  Probably sixty people (and no kids), tons of decor, lighting, elaborate costumes, a fully-catered dinner, an open bar (including a 70s bar with a fully-functional turntable - more to come on that later), and - to top it all off - a disco-themed Murder Mystery game.

I do not wanna know how much they dropped on this party, but holy shit was it fun.

I'll let the pics and video do the rest of the telling - check it out. . . 

I was assigned the role of Fullavit Muggeridge, a British classical music critic working for the BBC.  The only stipulations for my character's wardrobe was that I had to wear a tie, since my character despises disco. . . so, you know, it was a pretty fitting character for Yours Truly.  I managed to find this old 70s suit at a local Goodwill, and it was in spotless condition and fit like a glove.  The Rx-free glasses I bought off Amazon, while the tie and bellbottoms I had from college.  The wig I recycled from my old '80s mullet one I used for our '80s Halloween Party a couple years ago, I just tied it back in a ponytail
Kris got this velour suit from Danielle - some clothing rental company where you can pay $30 and rent a high-end outfit, then return it when you're done.
Morgan and Danielle, the Birthday Girl.
Erik and Courtney
Some of the complimentary booze they had on hand for disco-themed cocktails.
Mitch volunteered to serve as the party bartender for the evening, a role he truly relishes.
Wasn't about to wear lapels without donning a Masonic pin. . .
Ryan and Mees.  These two were characters as well - he's a pilot and she's a stewardess (or 'flight attendant,' if you wanna be woke about it.)
A couple of the Larsons' neighbors, who were characters as well.
Yes, they framed the menus.  They got super fancy with just about everything you could think of.
Mitch and Steve
More of the Larsons' neighbors.
Alicia and Steve
Kris and I pose for yet another pic.  I offered my photography skills for the evening, and set up a tripod and flash in front of a giant disco-themed backdrop they had spread out over their living room.
Lonnie Big Balls and Stefanie.
Mitch and his creepy, porn-star mustachio.
Danielle's sister and her husband.
More of Danielle and Morgan's neighbors.  These two actually live in my buddy Rob Chritz's old house on Rapanos.
One of the Larsons' neighbors brought a keg of home-brewed craft beer over and set up a kegorator in the Larson's garage.
The Real Housewives of Midland (only one missing is Deanna, who had to work.)
Danielle's mom and step-dad.
Susan and Tom
Mitch and Kelli
The Dads
Brad and Amy
These three wanted a picture because they all showed up in more or less the same shirt.
Holding court at the bar (which, within days, would take up residency in the Hough basement. . . but more to come on that later.)
The game begins.  Folks had scripts and tasks they had to do (tell so-and-so this fact, try and convince so-and-so to do this, etc. etc.)
Omkar and Mitch
Characters try to determine who the killer is.
Ryan and Tom
The Larsons' recently-renovated kitchen (Morgan did the entire thing himself, believe it or not.)
Even though I was a chief character, Kris ended up doing most of my parts because I was handling camera duty.  Wives are good like that.
And the killer is. . . Tom.
Time for the birthday cake.

It's a miracle this chick didn't catch on fire.
Gourmet cakes for everyone.
Feasting on sugar
Tom enters his trademark 'platinum' phase.
Hens, clucking.
Omkar and Tom
This bar for sure came in handy.
Kris gets an earful.
Ryan isn't too sure about Erik's blaxploitation get-up.
Kris and Kelli
Kris, Stefanie and Courtney
Danielle's sister, mom and brother
Tom gets handsy when he drinks too much.
No one wants to hang out with Omkar
More gay vibes on the dance floor.
Danielle and Kris
Mitch, taking a break from bartending, and Lonnie
Amy and Erik
Total chaos.
Courtney, Mees and Kris
Ryan grabbed my SLR at one point and had me pose a bunch of weird pictures so that I was in some of the evening's pictures.  So, um, here's me pouring. . . something.
Going through cabinets.
Hugging Danielle's sister (who I don't know at all - pretty sure this creeped her right out.)
And now Danielle.
My marriage summed up in one picture. . .
Mitch gets a talking-to from the neighborhood drunk.

- Brian

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