Tuesday, August 10, 2021


The last time I went golfing.  Ghana, ca. 2004.

What's up, folks.

For years, the dads in our friend group have pestered me about playing golf with them.  They go every week to various courses throughout the mid-Michigan area, and whenever it comes up I politely decline.  Golf is not my thing, I think the entire sport and the culture surrounding it is lame - from dudes tucking in polo shirts into their shorts to the jargon players use, I think it's pretentious and stupid.


This week I finally caved, I went golfing.  As could be expected, I didn't enjoy it all, but had some fun riding around in golf karts and drinking beer, that's always a good time.  I don't think the guys will ever stop asking me about joining them, but maybe this was enough to keep them placated for the time being.

Enjoy. . .

We hit up some place that they frequent in Freeland.  I didn't feel like Google searching the name for you, but you could probably find it.
Setting up for the first hole (or whatever you call it.)
Ryan tees off. . .
Golf karts are so much fun.  All I want out of life is to end up in one of those retirement communities where I get to drive around in one all day long.  I guess if that doesn't pan out I can just retire up at the family lakehouse on Eight Point - we have one up there now.
Coach Big Balls takes a whack at it. . .
Putting is about the only part of this game I like.  Aside from riding around in a golf kart and drinking beer, obviously.
Lonnie, cleaning his Big Balls.
Kinda threading the needle a bit with these narrow bridges here. 
Omkar attempting to drive
Getting closer to sunset.  The guys usually only play nine holes on a weeknight, I guess.
Erik puts and misses.
Wrapping up.
At the end of the night, the guys all grabbed food back at the 'clubhouse' (or whatever you call it.)  We stayed for a few beers and then called it a night.  Honestly, this was the best part of the entire night, as much fun as golf karts are.

- Brian

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