Monday, June 7, 2021

Sing Loud, Sing Proud

Ella and Abby, front and center.  No surprises there.
Hey guys.

So here's another tally mark in the 'Brian is a Bad Parent' column, folks:  I had no idea Abby was in choir this year.

Orchestra, sure.  I knew that.  But choir?  I don't think she's ever spoken with me about it before, and I sure as hell don't remember being told about it by Nagatha Christie.

Well, anyway, one day at work I'm sitting there, minding my own business, when my buddy Erik sends a group text out to Kris and I, as well as to his wife Courtney, about how he was able to skip work for a bit in order to catch the girls' outdoors performance at school.  He talked about how he was able to take some pics and video for all of us (see below), and would be uploading it to a shared Google Photos album later on in the day.

Kris and Courtney were both super appreciative.  Me?  I was confused.

"Choir?  What the f*** is that dude talking about?"

Well, turns out, not only is Abby in choir with the Johnson's kid, Ella, but the two of them clearly dominate the program.  As you can see in the videos and pictures that follow (courtesy of Erik), you can see them front and center, and Erik was even telling us that it was evident that they run the ensemble.

So here you go, folks.  My daughter's random choir thing.  Who knew. . .

- Brian

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