Tuesday, December 24, 2019

'Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Setting up the SLR in the Study for our annual Christmas Eve family portrait
Happy Night-Before-Christmas, folks.

Like I've said before, Christmas Eve is probably my favorite day of the year.  Here's where I'd go into my usual anticipation-is-better-than-the-actual-thing rant, wherein I describe how the peak of the Holiday Season is the actual preparation for the next morning, and not the morning itself.  Alas, I've gone over this so many times over the years that I'm sure you all know by now what I'm talking about.

As we've done in the years since we moved back to Michigan, this Christmas Eve we once again hosted Kris' side of the family.  This time around, Marcy, her sister Mickey, and Crystal's kids, Victoria and Kyan, came down.  Everything played out like always, and people left around 5pm so that we could begin the annual wind-down traditions that always precede Christmas Morning.

So here you have it, America:  Christmas Eve at the Hough's. . .

I had the camera set to a Miniatures setting (check out the blurred edges), but it was too intense for our purpose. This is unfortunate, because I feel like this picture more accurately captures the Hough Family.
This would have been our Christmas Card, had we done those this year.  The season definitely got away from us this year.
Kris spent the previous evening and the entirety of the morning getting various dishes around for folks.
The usual fares at a Hough Christmas Eve.  We once again Instant Potted a Turkey Breast as well - waaaay easier than the traditional oven method.
The Study, all festively done-up for the Holidays.
Decorating Ninjabread and Ugly Sweater Christmas Cookies. . .
The frosting was runny as shit - definitely disgusting.
Abby goes a little ape-shit with her toppings.  This comes to a surprise to no one.
Abby drew this creepy-ass picture for us in the morning, based on a scene from the Netflix Christmas movie, Klaus (a really well-animated film, by the way.)  Of course it went on the refrigerator.
Kris, mid- asking me to do something.
Marcy always asks for a family picture during these get-togethers.  Consider it done.
Marcy opens up a her gift from us - coasters with all her grandkids on them.  Kris got the idea off of Pinterest (of course), and spent about a week making them.
Kris has her sister on Skype (or video-call, or whatever) on her phone.  No idea what's up with her face.
. . . .or Abby's face.
Alayna shows off some of the stuff she picked out for Marcy at the annual school craft 'store.'  I guess Marcy has a thing for scarves. . . ?
I'm not sure there's a person on Earth who has a thing for shit like this. . .
No idea how or why this picture was taken, or what was going on.
The girls and Kyan broke out some Nerf shit for awhile in the basement while the adults and Victoria (who, technically, is an adult now) were upstairs visiting in the Study.  That was a real blast to clean up. . .
After all the extended family left, it was time to start winding the girls down for the evening (by no means an easy task with Christmas - and a mountain of presents - awaiting them in the morning.)  We kicked things off with The Muppets' Christmas Carol - easily my favorite version of Dickens' classic Christmas story.
The roommates, cozying up for a movie.
As we watched the movie, we let the girls - and the dog - open up their traditional Christmas Eve present(s.)
Kris found some Holiday pajamas for Watson this year.  Because we're those people.
The girls absolutely loved this.
(Not sure if he did.)
Poor bastard. . .
Mid-yawn shots are the best - he looks frickin' ferocious as hell.
Doing what I do. . .
The girls open up their annual pajamas presents.
I got to open something, too - a pair of flannel, fleece lounge pants.  Kris bought herself a pair earlier in the month and informed me that they were a Christmas Eve present from me.  Whatever works, folks.
Tearing in to another Christmas Eve present:  a couple mugs with 'A's on them, filled with hot cocoa mixes and various flavored candy canes.  'Tis the Season for sugar.
Have to pose one in front of the tree, obviously. . .
Watson was scratching his back, but, to me, it looks like he's Break Dancing.
Meanwhile, back with The Muppets, the Ghost of Christmases Yet to Come gets creepy as f***. . .
Towards the end of the movie, Abby started complaining about her stomach hurting, which was really just nerves, seeing how she was so excited for Christmas morning (and presents.)  She shut herself up in the hallway linen closet and read Calvin and Hobbes for awhile until she snapped out of it.
Scrooge, redeemed.
Following the movie, the girls set out cookies, egg nog, carrots, apples, and notes to Santa.  'Cause Christmas Eve and all that.
. . . and it wouldn't be Christmas Eve without Yours Truly reading the mandatory poem.
(I love this book - a great collection of Christmas stories, poems, etc. from Barnes and Noble.)
Santa's spread.
God forbid a reindeer eats the wrong frickin' carrot. . .
Way to go, Brace Face.
After the girls went to bed, Kris and I spent a couple hours putting out all the presents, putting bows on things, hauling up the gifts from Santa, and wrapping that gigantic box you see there off to the left.
While we did all this - and enjoyed some Christmas Cocktails - we also watched our traditional Christmas Eve movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Stockings (not hung.)
Time for a ridiculous amount of Christmas Tree pics with all the gifts underneath. . .
I know the feeling, Clark.
The stage is set for tomorrow morning's chaos.  Now for a few hours of sleep. . .
- Brian

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