All aboard the Suicide Sled. . . |
What's up, fanbase.
You'd think being as
snowy as it is around these parts, we would've gone sledding a
load of times already this winter. We have little kids, God knows that's something you're supposed to do with them during the winter in order to maintain your Parenting License.
Well, it's also been cold as shit out. Cold to the point where I don't want to be outside any longer than it takes to walk from my home to my car, from my car to my school building, from my school building back to my car, and from my car to my house. There's absolutely
no reason to be outside in this nonsense. Screw that.
Maddie, Alayna and Abby, on top of the sledding hill, preparing for their first run. |
After a couple of months of either
a.) no snow,
b.) too much snow and hazardous roads, or
c.) adequate roads and snow levels, but sub-polar temperatures, we
finally had ourselves a weekend with clear roads, good snow, and relatively decent weather (sunny and high-20s.) So, pouncing on the opportunity to be decent winter parents, Kris and I loaded up the girls and sleds - and Alayna's BFF,
Maddie - and ventured out to
Midland City Forest.
Not surprisingly, many folks had the same idea, as the hill was definitely busy, but fortunately not to the point where it got on your nerves. We ended up meeting Kris' friend Kim and her daughter Makala up there, and ended up spending about two hours on the hill before kids began to tire out. I can think of far crappier ways to spend an afternoon.
Check it out. . .
Of course.
The agony of defeat. |
Fashionable knit hats are all the rage among kids these days. |
Three-at-a-time. It's a disaster every, single run. |
What's great about the sledding hill they have over at Midland City Forest is the little dividers they create, sectioning off various 12 or 15-foot runs across the hill. It was pretty icy in spots, so these dividers also served as pathways for kids to walk back up the hill after a run. |
This was so painful to watch. . .
I hate these sleds so much - they're beyond dangerous. |
The old lady finally gets her butt on a sled. |
Abby, pumped as always. |
At the end of our sledding outing, on our way back to the cars, the girls' decided their final run would be a combo run where they doubled up. This led to a few sleds being left behind at the top of the hill, so Kris and I grudgingly went down on these stupid things. (Kim snapped this.) |
You can't tell from the picture, obviously, but I got about two feet of air after hitting a bump on the hill, and totally wiped out at the bottom. My ass hurt for hours. |
- Brian
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