Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Cookies with Grandma

It's a snowman. . . I think.
Merry Almost-Christmas, Internet.

So Kris doesn't bake that much in our house.  Not that she can't bake, mind you; she bakes just fine.  I think it's more of a time constraint thing on her part (this time of year is always brutal as far as 'free time' is concerned), and this is largely the reason why this year she once again kept putting off the baking of Christmas Cookies with the girls until it was practically too late to do so.

Fortunately, Mom had been wanting to bake some Christmas cookies with all her grandkids this Holiday season, and figured today would be a good day to do so.  Kris had to work, and I had a crap-load of last-minute Holiday errands to run before the next few days of Chaos.  Seeing how taking my kids out in public is always like running an injun gauntlet stark naked, I was more than willing to drop off the girls at Grandma's for some cookie-decorating.

Two birds with one stone, folks.

Check it out. . .

Cookie decorating combines two of our kids' favorite activities:  arts and crafts, and eating sugary crap.
Mom still has the same cookie shapes that my brothers and I grew up with in the '80s.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
This kid will destroy a container of sprinkles.
These kids wouldn't cut it in a professional restaurant.  I don't think you're supposed to lick your fingers every five seconds while preparing someone else's food. Unless you work at Denny's.
Mom intervenes.  Once again.
This one can't take a picture to save her life.
In the zone.
More finger-licking.  Kris and I clearly didn't eat any of these.

- Brian

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