Friday, September 30, 2016

September Randoms

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

The first month of the new School Year is at an end, and miraculously nobody's dead. 

I survived my first few weeks in a new school system with new kids and a new team of colleagues, the girls have thus far managed to stay out of too much trouble in first and third grade.  Keep your fingers crossed these calm seas prevail.

So here's a look back at the last few weeks, as the Houghs returned to the Grind and otherwise kept the ship afloat.

Enjoy. . .

Back to School supply drive with the Girl Scouts
At Dow Gardens, checking out a Dr. Seuss exhibit with their friend (and our next-door neighbor), Katie.
Watering some plants
. . .sweeping water?  (I don't know what the hell's going on in any of these pictures - I wasn't present for any of this.)
Pointing out a grasshopper
Abby's soccer squad
My classroom, at the end of the day
Dad gave the girls this old, vintage Magnastiks toy from the early '60s that used to belong to him, and that had been in Granny's basement when she passed away.  Still in pretty decent shape, considering its nearly 60 years old.
More vinyl that I got rid of recently.  Kris and I have a rule set in place in order to curb further expansion of my record collection:  for every album I bring into the house, I have to get rid of one.  I've been buying a crapload of new LPs lately, so I've been hard at work trimming the fat out of my collection lately.  Some of these I didn't even know I owned. . .
At the annual Chestnut Hill Ice Cream Social
Some uncooperative photo ops with the girls

All.  Out.  Chaos.
Smitty and Rita swung up for a Saturday visit at the end of the month, and Smitty was good enough to toss our kids around for awhile.
To break up the day a bit we took Watson down to the Dog Park, on the other side of the Tridge
Smitty makes a new friend
This is a dog toy, but it seems to entertain these two. . .
On our way back across the Tridge.
Since it was only a day or two before the beginning of October, we decided we'd be nice and let the girls break out some of the Halloween decor.  'Cause, you know, they weren't hyper enough already. . .
Once the kids went to bed, we broke out the old VHS game, Nightmare.  As usual, it was comically awful. . . and awesome.
Kris gets an earful from the Gatekeeper.
Trying on some of their mom's old prom and bridesmaid dresses
Kris sent me this pic one day while I was at work.  We had a clog in the sink, and instead of buying Draino like I had recommended, she took apart the pipe and found. . . whatever the hell this is.
Fast food dinner with the neighborhood kids
The girls' new Reading Nook.  Since we set up Alayna's furry lounge chair underneath this lamp, and set up a bunch of book boxes underneath it, the amount of time the girls spend reading on a daily basis has skyrocketed.  Kinda wish I had done this years ago. . .
During a high-energy play session with a bunch of the neighborhood girls, Abby somehow got this remote-controlled car stuck in her hair.  It was wrapped pretty tight around the wheels, and instead of getting a grown-up for assistance, Abby just Hulk'd out and ripped the damn car out of her hair by force.  This is what she brought to us.
At one of Abby's soccer practices
The Champions

- Brian

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