Thursday, March 31, 2016

March Randomness

If February was the Month of Snow, than March is most definitely the Month of Michigan Not Making Up Its Frickin' Mind.

We've had a roller-coaster of varying weather this month.  One day it's mid-60s and sunny, and the very next day it's forty degrees cooler and dumping inches upon inches of snow.  A few different times this month, we tried washing and packing away all of the winter clothes for the season, assuming the cold weather was behind us, only to find ourselves digging out the snow pants and thick coats a few days later.

We're totally over this bullshit.

Aside from the weather, this month was basically comprised of the following:  my grandmother's previously-discussed passing and the acquisition of loot from her house (which ate up a few different weekends the first half of the month), St. Patrick's Day (which again fell on a school day but was celebrated the following weekend, stretching festivities over the course of a week), and Spring Break (the last ten days of the month, which found me house-bound with both girls and a few different bouts of fever.)

But here's some other crap that happened. . .

I had to take the girls with me to vote in Michigan's Primary, as I could only go after work and didn't want to drive back out once Kris got home from her work (and deal with the longer lines and crazy locals.)  Before we went in I made sure to talk with the girls about keeping my political views and party affiliations a secret from those around us (they know I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter and a member of the Democratic Party. . . not something I wanted 'Make America Great Again' hat-wearing Joe Doublewide in the voting booth next to me knowing.)
Alayna came down with a fever the second week of the month, and was out of commission and couch-ridden for a couple days.  Consequently, she binge-watched Netflix 'til her eyes bled.
Some alternate outfits from Kris and Abby's dress quest for the Daddy Daughter Dance this year. . .
The third week of March was Alayna's 'about me' week in her 2nd grade class (it had a more clever name, but I don't remember what exactly it was.)  Kris helped her design a board full of pictures and facts about her, and she got to present it to the rest of the class.
Taking questions from the audience.
One day during the month, Dad and Cindy swung by for a visit, with their dog Bailey in tow.  While they were in tow, they figured they'd visit Jeff and Annie, too. . . but they couldn't necessarily take their dog with them.  This is how Bailey behaved the entire time they were gone.
Abby misbehaved at school - I forgot what exactly is was that she did - so when she got home I hit her where it hurt:  she lost Star Wars privileges for the weekend.  I found this note stuck to the fridge one morning. 
Goofin' around with a Star Wars app on my phone. . .
Green pancakes the morning of St. Patrick's Day, which fell on a weekday this morning.
This tree outside the girls' school is a fan favorite.   And apparently not just with my kids, either:  there's always a line of kids queued up to screw around on this tree after school when I pick the kids up.
Abby in her natural environment.
If this game teaches kids anything, it's that not going to college is much more gratifying than pursuing a four-year degree.  I mean, seriously:  you don't need a degree to be an entertainer, a hair stylist, or an artist.  C'mon.
Another day, another appointment with a child.  Alayna's eye exam once again verified that she has perfect vision. . . for now.  She, and her sister, are both totally screwed eventually:  both Kris and I wear glasses, and all four of our parents do/did as well.  Plus all of our grandparents did.  Our kids don't have a prayer.
What the hell is this?
March.  Totally not making up its Goddamn mind.
A sick girl and her dog. . .
I hate you, Michigan.

- Brian

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Bunny Hath Risen!

Let's hear it for the reason behind the Easter Baskets. . .
The Bunny Returneth!

All Hail Child-Driven Merchandising!

I don't really identify as a Christian, but even I think Easter is a pretty shameless excuse for a holiday in today's society.  If I was of a super devout nature, why, I might be downright pissed.

Anyway, I'll save that shpeel for another time.  Nobody comes to this blog to hear what I think about mass-commercialism or theology, so I'll spare you that ol' yarn.  Instead, I'll give you readers what you do come here for:  copious amount of pictures of my family accompanied by shitty captions.

'Tis the season.

The day before Easter, Kris and I broke out the vinegar and the Paas for some good ol' fashioned egg coloring.  'Cause we're big fans of tradition around these parts.  And hard-boiled eggs soaked in food dye. 
Patiently awaiting the dye tablets to dissolve. . .
Easter Lilies.
Not the easiest lens to use, but I do enjoy breaking out the 40mm from time to time.
Abby demands clarification on Paas procedures
By far the worst part of this process is waiting for those stupid Paas tablets to dissolve.
The warmer weekend was much appreciated by our sun-obsessed dog, Watson.
The egg-dunking begins. . .
Watson relocates to the back deck to soak up more sun.
Once the eggs were dyed, the next step was putting on the neon, shrink-wrapped covers 
This process, as Kris was soon to find out, was pretty painful.  The covers shrunk to the eggs with heat, but that meant having a hairdryer blowing insanely hot air two inches from your skin. . . 
Problem solved. 
The finished product.
A little while later, Dad and Cindy swung by for a brief visit (they were in town to have their dog groomed and to visit us and my two brothers' families), and were nice enough to bring some Easter-themed cookies from Clare, MI's own Cops and Doughnuts.
The girls woke up around 6:30am Easter morning, which was relatively late for them.  Kris and I definitely didn't mind.
Every Easter, in addition to the usual hidden eggs around the house, Kris and I set out a scavenger hunt around the house for our girls, which ultimately leads to their Easter Baskets.  We taped the first clue to the fireplace, where the girls would easily spot it when they first woke up.
Keepin' it classy for Easter, as always.
No, not that bathroom. . .
That's the one.
Down into the basement for the next clue. . .
Kris' office.
No idea why Watson was so into this scavenger hunt, but he kept up with the girls throughout the process, apparently offering his advice.
Back into the basement. . .

As excited as they were, the girls were still good enough to remember that they weren't allowed to touch my turntable, so they waited for me to retrieve the clue for them (which totally wasn't necessary - I would've let the rule slip for this.  Just this once.)
The treasure at the end of the hunt, in the girls' "Secret Room" under the stairs in the basement.
We cut back on basket candy this year (God knows there was enough jelly beans and chocolates in the eggs we hid around the house), replacing it with more of those annoying Shopkins and loose change/bills (hidden in eggs), and small toys.  Better that than sugar.
Kris and I had to throw together Watson's basket this year with random crap we had lying around in the cupboard (check out the sweet Sentinel flea medicine he scored this year), seeing how we had completely forgotten about it.  He wouldn't have gotten even that, had Alayna not pondered ,over last night's dinner, what the Easter Bunny was going to bring Watson for Easter (Kris and I then exchanged looks of horror, and managed to throw together the disaster you see here.)
Digging into their baskets. . . 
God, I hate these things. . . 
As in every previous Easter Basket, Kris the Easter Bunny once again bought the girls Easter dresses.
These Little Live Pets were a pretty big hit with the kids.  Due to their obsession with animals, we kinda figured they would be.  You can record your own sayings and the birds say them back in a higher, more bird-like voice.  They also move their beak and whistle/say over 30 phrases/tunes.  More than a little annoying, but I'll take it any day of the week over the usual Shopkins bullshit.
That's one way to eat an entire 'carrot' full of Reese's Pieces. . .  
The bottom of the basket in sight. . . 
Chompin' away at the chocolate bunny's head 
Suited up and ready to go to an obligatory Easter Sunday church service (this wasn't the best angle, thanks to the harsh sunlight.) 
Still not quite there. . .
Getting a good picture of these two is maddening.
The keeper. 
The usual.
- Brian