Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Get It, Leaves...


Perhaps I'm spoiled from my eight years of Florida residency, perhaps I'm just being a good ol' fashioned 'Grumpy Pants,' who knows.  But I'm just going to come right out and say it. . .

I'm done with Fall.

I get the appeal, I do.  The cool, crisp air, the pumpkin beer, the pumpkin carving, the pumpkin spice invasion of every facet of our consumer society. . . it makes sense.  Fall is swell.

From a distance.  Like, when you're looking at other peoples' pictures from across the country.

I used to enjoy the changing colors of Fall, and I did this year, too. . . for the first month.  It was nostalgic, and it was cool seeing the girls' reaction to seeing leaves fall through the air.

But then reality set in, and I realized - in horror - that I would have to start cleaning up after Mother Nature in the same manner as I clean up after Watson while taking him out for walk.  Just more frequently.

Mother Nature, as it would seem, won't stop shitting in my yard.

Check it out. . .

Hough Manor (for now)

A view of our side yard (we're renting a corner lot, so it's a shitload more leaves to rake up this time of year.)
The Cannonball decided she'd help me with the raking this afternoon. . .
The Detroit Lions finally put an end to their atrocious losing streak this season. . . thank God.  After a couple hours raking I took a short beer-and-Lions break.
Kris and Abby had originally decided to rake up the side yard, but the pile never quite made it to the curb. . .
. . . somewhere along the line Kris relented and began piling up all the dead leaves into a pile for the kids. 
When you've spent your entire existence in a swampy, urban sprawl - without seasonal changes of any kind - this sort of thing is a pretty big deal.
No, I didn't use a leaf blower.  I used a rake.  And my muscles.
. . . and the kids 'helped.'

Raking leaves the first time?  That was cool.  The second time (less than a week later, probably)?  Okay.  The third, fourth time?  No.  Hell no, Mother Nature.  It's no longer cool.  I don't care how much you want to dress it up in sweaters, knee-high boots and Infinity Scarves, Mother Nature is still a seasonal skank who can no longer control her bodily functions, and I'm funned out with her.

The kids lose steam. . .
Bath time at the Hough House. 
Watson sportin' the Honolulu Blue
New neighborhood tourist attraction (this is our side yard.)
Abby and her classroom beau, Jackson
Guess which kid's having fun helping out the parents with yard work?

Hopefully Old Man Winter is a little more considerate.  I mean, what could he possibly dump in my yard that I'd have to worry about.

Right, guys?

- Brian

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