(. . .that's what we're celebrating around here, right guys?)
Anywho. It's
Easter. Again. Another year of painstaking preparations for a fifteen-minute blitz of insanity that ends with our kids eating candy for breakfast, and Kris and I chugging coffee while trying to get the family around for an obligatory, too-early-in-the-morning church session.
Easter '15 (feat. the Houghs):
The kids stumble into the living room, pissed because the Easter Bunny neglected to lay any candy-filled eggs around the house (as you can tell from this picture's background, my kids should probably go to an optometrist soon.) |
After the kids ransacked the house for plastic Easter Eggs (that we'll still be stumbling upon weeks from now, I'm sure), it was time for the annual Easter Basket Scavenger Hunt. Since both of our kids can read now, we decided to just write it out instead of relying on my rusty art skills for clues. . . |
Everybody poops, Internet. Relax. |
(I'll spare you that picture - just rest assured it pointed the kids to Alayna's keyboard.)
. . . we should have written 'where Abby's supposed to keep her shoes.' Otherwise they'd never find the next clue, as Abby kicks off her shoes EVERYWHERE. |
A lot of effort goes into five minutes of too-early-in-the-morning crap around these parts. . . |
Dumbstruck. |
Every year Kris insists on buying the girls new dresses to put in their baskets, which I'm cool with (we're both in the mindset that tangible goods far outweigh candy and chocolate as far as basket contents go.) |
What can I say. The girl likes Pez. |
Another Disney Infinity figure - Alayna's been wanting Baymax (from Disney's Big Hero Six.) |
Monster High's pretty popular around these parts, too. |
Watson bides his time. . . |
This was for the girls' benefit - none of what you see here was purchased specifically for Watson's Easter Basket - we just used the existing basket we keep his toys in and threw in some leftover 'grass' from the girls' baskets and some not-yet-consumed dog items from our usual grocery trips. Don't worry - we're not those people. Yet. |
Abby's been asking for Maleficent (who now resembles Angelina Jolie instead of the villain from Sleeping Beauty.) |
Easter Egg spoils (I ate all the black ones. And regret nothing.) |
Healthy breakfast. |
Not pleased he didn't get a chocolate bunny. |
Later in the morning, we figured we'd check out what was going on at Kris' church (I hear Easter's a big day for churches.) |
Here, after the service, the girls ate some complimentary cupcakes. . . because they hadn't yet consumed their week's worth of sugar before 11am. |
Another Hough Family Easter tradition - driving over to the Voigts' house for Easter lunch/dinner (is there an equivalent to Brunch for this?) |
Scary Bridge. (Not sure if it has a real name, but that's what I've been calling it for seven years now.) |
Causing a ruckus on the Voigts' back porch. |
When we got home, we let the girls watch a movie while we worked on a few things around the house. What did they want to watch? The Who's Amazing Journey - a documentary about the band released in the 1970s, which I own and introduced the girls too a couple months ago. I will now start accepting all nominations for Father of the Year. |
- Brian
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