I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but walking around outside in a Florida summer feels like being trapped underneath the undercarriage of a big, sweaty hobo.
Not that I know what that feels like.
Kris had wanted to take the girls to this 'carnival' at John Young Elementary. Something of a fundraiser for the school, I guess. It started at 11am and lasted until 3pm, and me - being the fool that I am - said 'okay, sounds fun,' assuming that the school's carnival would be partially held indoors. That would only make sense, seeing how it was in the mid-90s with 100% humidity, and this thing was being held at the absolute hottest time of the day.
Then again, I guess I'm not as 'with it' as some folks are down here, 'cause upon arriving at the school this morning, we found that the entire carnival was being held outside. Mostly on top of the school parking lot. Right underneath the overbearing and relentless Florida sun.
Alayna channeling her inner-hamster. |
Moving out of the escape hatch (I wish my car had one of these - so much more badass than using a door like a sucker.) |
We paid about $20 for admission, and my kids only wanted to use the same two bounce houses. Over and over and over again. Jesus H. Christ do I get sick of bounce houses. |
Alayna's current school is little more than a series of ghetto-fabulous portables all connected together underneath aluminum roofing (or whatever it is - looks a hell of a lot like the roofing the Dagombas were using in Ghana.) Fortunately, next year they'll all be moving into a fancy, new high-tech building for Alayna's 1st grade school year (thank God.) |
The guy of to the right is Mr. Chambers, Alayna's science teacher (he must've been awesome, because it ended up being one of her most favorite subjects.) |
Kris. Thrilled. |
Two sweaty kids taking a ice-and-sugar break. |
After cooling off, the girls really wanted to have their faces painted. Or, as I like to say, they really wanted to piss away $2 apiece. |
I forget this lady's name. She's Alayna's music teacher. Turns out our kid is a theatrical diva with a flair for the dramatic. Who knew. |
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