Halloween, America!
This year's Halloween season, as stated before, was bizarre and rushed, but we somehow pulled through and capped it off with this year's successful bout of
Trick-or-Treating. Once again, we decided to stay within our subdivision and hit up the neighbors for plunder, and - surprisingly enough - the kids held out for more than an hour (much longer than last year.)
What sucks is that, after all of this, I
still have to pack for an early-morning flight tomorrow. Yours Truly is flying back to
Michigan in the morning for the nuptials of the Sausage Pad's
Zack Smith. More to come regarding this venture, so stay tuned.
Anyway, here's the last installment for the
Hough's Halloween Saga, 2013.
Check it out:
The girls re-used their princess dresses and tiaras from the weekend's Bippity Boppity Boutique outing with Dad and Cindy, which only makes sense seeing how they cost so damn much. Unfortunately, Alayna fought us tooth-and-nail with her hair for the evening - she wanted Kris to do it like the beautician at Disney had. . . which, obviously, wasn't happening. What followed was a full-on, five-year-old mega-tantrum that's rivaled anything she's thrown in recent memory. Good times. |
Abby as Princess Merida, complete with Angus the Horse and broadsword (you can see Alayna, mid-tantrum, in the background.) |
Once Alayna had resolved herself to the fact that she wasn't getting the same hour-long, hair style she had gotten a few days earlier, we prepared the kids for Trick-or-Treating. . . |
Cindy bought the girls these light-up princess scepters, which they really got a kick out of while running around the neighborhood after sunset. . . |
Hitting up the first house for plunder. . . . |
We have some neighbors that definitely get into holiday decorating, chiefly Christmas and Halloween. . . |
Abby, usually spooked by anything remotely scary, was ready to brave the terrors of Hell if it meant getting her hands on candy. . . |
Feeling up tombstones |
Abby gets spooked by creepy Halloween sound effects. . . |
Rollin' down Ginger Mill (once again, Kris' friend Maria and her family joined us as we went door-to-door throughout the subdivision.) |
After an hour or so, the kids were wagon-bound, becoming exhausted from all the walking, and past their bed-time by about a half an hour. . . |
Back at home, Abby, as always, ran right to the 'fridge for a drink. . . |
Posing with plunder |
- Brian
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