Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sweat, Mud, and Beers

Whaddup, Cyberspace?!

So it had been awhile since the Houghs last set foot on Disney property.  Couldn't tell you the last time, but I guess if you were really interested in finding out this random bit of trivia you could peruse the ol' Archive section at the bottom of the page (I'm too lazy to do so.)  Anyway, the Voigts invited us along to Animal Kingdom in order to push our respective Tax Deductions around in their strollers, have a few beers, and otherwise sweat whilst looking at caged animals.


Check it out:

The Houghs.  In front of a big-ass tree.
In 'Africa,' awaiting our Safari truck. . .
Yes, the girls have been on this ride before, but it had been awhile, and now they were both older and more likely to remember said venture.
The Voigts
Homeboy walked right up to the truck. . .
. . . needless to say the girls were pretty stoked.
Still total pansies whenever it comes to loud noises.
Cooling off in the mist after the Safari.
She really wanted her face painted, but for as much as Disney was charging for this, we could've bought a year's supply of paint and done it ourselves.  Wait to go, Disney.
Out of Africa
Arguably the coolest thing I saw throughout the day.
The Cannonball requested I take her picture in front of this big-ass sign. . .
Lunch at Pizzafari. . . or however the hell you spell that.  I hear the food's decent, but I generally stick to a couple of their Safari Amber Ales. . .
Another deep conversation with the Hough children. . .
The Cannonball chows down. . . surprisingly enough (the kid still doesn't eat.)
After lunch we checked into a nearby 'baby center' or 'baby station' (whatever Disney calls it) in order to clean/change Jackson, so the kids got an A/C break with some old-school Disney flicks. . .
Our kids are obsessed with anything smaller than them, so they wouldn't leave this poor kid alone.
In Dinoland, we stopped into the Excavation Play Area and let the girls run around and burn off some steam.  Not that I can explain why anyone in their right mind would purposely want to run around in this oppressive heat. . . but hell, my kids are weird.
We tried getting Abby to go down to this three-story slide. . . but alas, she is a coward.
Sweaty kids.
While Abby was in the throngs of yet another three-year-old toddler freakout, I took Alayna on this Dumbo-esque Triceratops ride.  She's a big fan of these.
Unfortunately, after getting off, we realized the kids had exhausted what little energy of theirs remained, and we decided to cut our losses and call it a day.
- Brian

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