Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Hi again, fans.

As the soggy month of July grinds to a halt, here's some more visuals from the Houghs' last couple weeks.


Playing in the rain - swapping out swords for umbrellas this time around.

Getting them to put up the Disney Princess umbrellas can be a pain in the ass. . . not surprisingly.
The Cannonball
Abby shows off her Ariel umbrella
Rockin' Hello Kitty boots (those Japanese were on to something. . .)
So the pool - on its third summer of heavy use - finally sprung a leak.  Well, technically it's the same leak from last summer, but, seeing how it's late July and all - and I'll be heading back to school next week for class prep, etc. - we decided to drain the sum'bitch. . .
The kids are going to have about a week of bathtub-level water to splash around in before we put the thing to the curb (the pool itself is only $90 - it's all the accessories that get ya - so we can just buy another one next summer)
Two Power Rangers, armed with Fire Smashers, engage battle with the sinister Mom Monster. . .
The Hough gals suit up for taking their PowerWheel out on the town er, subdivision.
Abby got to go first, but didn't bother to stop to let Alayna jump on.  She also had a tendency of going off-road, and kicked the gas pedal instead of holding it down.  Basically, it took her about five minutes to drive the length of the sidewalk in front of our house.
. . . so we let Alayna take a crack at it.  Turns out she's a pretty good driver.
Hell on wheels.
Rollin' through Ginger Mill
Getting them tooths clean.
Another big fan of Dad's camera obsession. . .
Drawing Power Ranger 'symbols' (some magical crap from the show, I don't know) with bath crayons.  In the show, the symbols are Japanese. . . and I'm not well-versed in Japanese, so I don't know if these are 100% accurate or not.
This'll teach those frickin' kids to stand up in the bathtub. . .
Another stormy sunset over Central Florida. . .
Hawks have really, really taken a shine to our house.  There were four along the fence (two flew away by the time I came back with a camera.)
. . . the swords come out. 
Fighting bad guys in the rain
Dancing around the front of the house, as yet another massive storm comes barreling down on us. . .

Abby utilizes the Virgin Mary's old 'stage.'
Alayna's turn.

Kris shows Abby how to doll herself up. . .
Abby helps Kris out with her eyes. . .
. . . then does her own.
And of course, a three-year-old has to have lipstick.
- Brian

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