Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dumb Ideas, Dolphins, the Usual

The kids had been bugging the crap out of us all week to head over to Sea World so they could check out the dolphins.  Generally, Kris and I don't mind doing this sort of thing, seeing how it's free for us (being season ticket holders) and right around the corner from our house.  Like idiots, we agreed to take them late Saturday morning without looking at the weather forecast first. . .

Stormy all day with an 80% chance of rain.  Cowabunga.

Not about to look like a couple of degenerate parents (more so), we grudgingly packed up the kids in our Family Tactical Transport Vehicle and - IN THE POURING RAIN - took the kids to Sea World.

Check out how dumb we are:

$12 ponchos?!  F*** that.
Alayna wanted her picture taken with this flower. . . that she ended up carrying around with her for a large portion of the day.
At the Dolphin exhibit (again)
If she could climb into the tank with them, she totally would.
Waiting for the new Turtle Trek ride. . .
Still waiting for the Turtle Trek ride (please note awesome/not-nerdy umbrella held by handsome man at right)
This game was weird and she sucked at it.  Then we drove home - in the rain - and had lunch.
- Brian

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