Monday, July 23, 2012

Storms and Sea Beasts

What's up, homeboys and homegirls,

As we're partial to amusement parks and cheap entertainment, we opted to bundle up the offspring and take 'em over to Sea World this weekend.  I say 'cheap' because we're already season holders, get free parking, and 15% off all food, drinks and souvenirs.  A half-day venture to Shamuville (seeing how our children are too young to stomach a full day without turning into complete bitches) generally ends up costing us all of $25, which covers a pop refill for Kris, a chicken fingers and fries meal for the kids to split, and a beer or two for Yours Truly.

And, seeing how it's a ten-minute drive away from our house, we've been hitting this up on a monthly basis since March.

Check it out:

Abby doesn't seem thrilled with the idea of spinning up into the sky. . .
Sea World wasn't too crowded on Saturday. . . which may or may not have been due to the impending doom on the horizon.
The Cannonball and Kris enjoying the Jazzy Jellyfish Twirly-Thing Ride. . .
. . . Abby, not so much.
A wall of ice in the Arctic Expedition attraction, a la Game of Thrones (not as tall, obviously). . .
(Leaving hand impressions in the ice)
Yes, I still own this shirt.
Whenever there's a fake rock to climb on, this kid will do it and promptly demand her picture taken. . .
. . . not sure what the obsession with fake rocks is, but whatever.
Wrangling kids to move on to the next attraction.  Had they had their way, we'd be sitting on rocks and touching ice walls for hours. . . screw the animals.
Kris attempts to convince Abby that there are no monsters hiding in the caves. . .
(Those aren't my footprints - the toes aren't long enough)
Alayna, as usual, befriends some random girl whilst playing in the caves.  What was really cool was that this girl was even more poorly-behaved that our kid, which made the Cannonball look like a well-raised kid by comparison.  I love it when that shit happens.
Still trying to coax Abby into the Caves. . .
Abby was all about the walruses today. . .
Beluga whales. . .
Pit stop lunch break at one of Sea World's Baby Stations. . .
''MY chair!''
Gogurt = crack for kids.
Pizza time.  Abby doesn't really eat the dough/crust -she just mauls the cheese and sauce off the top.
Underpaid park workers in bizarre costumes?  Looks like something we want our kids posed next to for a picture. . .
As could be expected, neither kid was down with this. . .
JamMasters they are not.  Not yet.
Carousel time at Shamu's Happy Harbor. . .

Abby's not a fan of the rising and falling of the carousel, so Kris had her turn riding the Lame Bench during the rotating. . .
Trying out some of the carnie games in Shamu's Arcade (or whatever the hell it's called)
Alayna, following directions as always.
Watching the Atlantis ride, climbing in unauthorized areas, etc.
Watching Manatees - by this time of the day there were needing naps. . .
Big black fish. . .?
Flashing her 'mean' face for the manatees. . .

- Brian

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