Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back in the Game

September 26, 2011 marks my first day back to work after nearly a year off.

I've grown spoiled to being home with my girls and the thought of going back into the workforce was a bit nerve racking for me.  I just couldn't jump that hurdle of dropping them off at a daycare for nearly 9 hours out of the day; the idea made me quite sick.  With my unemployment quickly running out, I was forced to take action.

As always, God was looking out for me and out of the blue came an interesting opportunity.  If any of you remember Alayna's little boyfriend, Derrick (back in the first kiss blog); he had moved from our old school to a new one that his parents quite happily recommended.  I knew they didn't offer a discount for Abby's age, so I was hesitant to even try.  But, try I did, and with success.  Upon walking in the door with my application, the director told me she had been waiting for my application.  Thank you Seth (Derrick's dad) for telling them whatever you did.  I quickly received an interview, of which I was allowed to bring Abby along and we chatted on the floor of the office while she climbed around and played with toys.  This lady was awesome!  Upon waiting a day to determine my already planned Christmas vacation would not be a hinderance, I was happily offered a position w/ the option of childcare that would not break me.  And get this, part time!  Yes, I could still have time in the morning w/ my girls, give them a nap in their own beds and wake them up for a few hours at school w/ some new friends (Alayna reunited w/ Derrick) and I close out the building being done by 6:30.  Perfection.

Alayna happily accepted her new surroundings w/ open arms and a quick attachment to her new teachers.  She's so resilient.  Abby has taken a bit more work.  She's not so use to being away from me, but as time has gone by, she has slowly stopped crying the whole time and I believe is soon to wander away from the gate in her class that she has taken up as her own post.  Near the door, and "closer to home" as her teacher would put it.

I, myself, have ventured into new territory in the clubhouse (the after school kids, ages 5-10).  Definitely a change of pace from my preschoolers, but I'm excited to learn how to deal w/ this age range before our girls reach it.  Wish me luck.


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