Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011, Pt. III: Trick or Treating Through Southchase

Happy Halloween, Kids!

Today was a horrible, horrible day at work.  My students were bouncing off the walls in anticipation of this evening being Halloween, and they were all sharpening their swords for Trick or Treating later on after school.  Made my job a total blast today.  Love working on holidays.

We had learned out lesson the hard way last year, when we had gone out with the Woloweic clan and hit up the surrounding cul de sacs in Blue Ridge II (our neighborhood).  Remember?  Anyway, we skipped Blue Ridge II all together and cut across Isle of Wright St. to hit up the neighborhood cul de sacs where, last year, there was scores of candy to be had.

Good play on our part, that was.  Every other house, about, had a solid set up, or, at the very least, someone passing out candy.  This is good for exhausted parents who have already put in a full day of work and have to move at a toddler pace through the crowds.  We only had to move up and down one street this year in order to score a bucket load of candy for each kid (most of which will be donated to my 'well-behaved' students tomorrow - I don't want all that sugary crap lying around my house tempting me and rotting my kids' teeth).

Anyway, here's a bunch of pictures from the Hough's Trick or Treating Adventure through Southchase - no video, unfortunately, as I used my Sony video-camera instead of the one on my phone (my phone lacks night vision, which is an essential feature when Trick or Treating).


Setting off to Trick or Treat
Abby attempted walking for awhile, but that didn't last too long...
The Cannonball is a HUGE fan of taking candy from strangers.  This may or may not pose a serious threat in the future.
Yes, I went in my work clothes.  I figured seeing a teacher out and about trick or treating might scare some kids.
Awaiting plunder.
Attempting to walk (again).  After 45 minutes or so of this, both kids were pretty much spent.  It got to the point where Kris and I were each carrying a kid and their candy.  That sucks for everybody involved.
Leaving a spook house...
Trick or Treating...
Funned out.
This house had some random guy dressed up in a ghoul costume that had been terrifying kids all night.  He'd jump out and scare trick or treaters, who then tore ass across the neighborhood shrieking in fear.  Apparently, according to the guy passing out candy, the only kid brave enough to stand up to his onslaught all night was Abby.  Once that chick has a taste for candy, she's like a blood-crazed shark.
Once again - classic, vintage Halloween specials from the 1980s following the Trick or Treat venture. 
So... now that Halloween's over and done with, we can pack up the majority of the Fall/Halloween decorations and have a few days before popular culture pressures us into breaking out the Christmas decorations.  Christmas usually starts the day after Halloween nowadays - in some stores down here in Orlando, they had Christmas decor on sale in August.

But seriously - who likes Thanksgiving anyway, right?  Puritans, Native Americans, and fat people - that's who.

(Well, probably not Native Americans anymore...)

- Brian

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011, Pt. II: Trunk or Treat

America's Favourite Family
Happy Pre-Halloween, fellas!

I generally loathe Sundays.  Sure, I get to technically 'sleep in' a little, but when you have kids, that more or less means 6:30am instead of 5:30am.  Still not awesome.  Following Sunday's extra hour or so of sleep, Yours Truly generally has to devote the rest of the morning, afternoon, and evening to yard work and lesson planning for the upcoming school week.  And that's it.

LOADS of fun.

Well, today was no different - I still had a crap-load of work to take care of throughout the earlier part of the day.  However, since this is a holiday weekend and all, I had to make time for an evening activity with the Fam:

Trunk or Treating.

Yes, you heard that correctly, folks - no typo.  Trunk or treat.  Kris volunteered us through her church (Peace United Methodist of Hunter's Creek).  We ended up taking Alayna there a few years ago (remember?), but didn't go last year because Halloween itself fell on a Sunday.  So this year, we're hitting it up again... and this year, we're actively participating in it.

The Cannonball decorates the back of Kris' Uplander...
Basically, a dozen or so cars, trucks, and vans all pop their trunks and decorate them up in some random Halloween motif.  They then proceed to pass out candy from the trunks of their cars... which, as I'm led to believe, is something that was once frowned upon by the majority of society.  I was taught at a young age to avoid taking candy from strangers in cars, but I guess the times are-a changin'.

'Tis the season.

Anyway, here's a ton of pics for you (sorry, no video - I used my Sony instead of my cell phone.  My apologies).  Enjoy:

Hough Ladies
Junk in several trunks.
Scouring for goods...
We didn't really have a theme going into this thing, so we just kinda grabbed a bunch of random stuff lying around the house....
...So the next thing you know, we ended up having this haunted dungeon-looking set-up.  Got a lot of compliments on it, though...
Having a blast...
Abby looks wasted here... I don't think she was, though.
Abby barking orders at someone...
Abby is introduced to Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin...
Abby, loving life.
Our kids hung out in the van a good deal of the time, watching She-Ra on the DVD player...
Dungeon Masters
Trick/Trunk or Treating
I'm just hot enough to pull this off.
Bizarro Family Portrait

- Brian

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween 2011, Pt. I: Sunshine Parade and Osprey Park

The Cannonball as Rapunzel from Tangled.

The Beginning of Halloween Weekend '11

Yes, fans.  Mucho excitement.  We're definitely a Halloween family here at the Fortress of Houghitude.  Big fans of costumes, big fans of decorating, big fans of taking ridiculous amounts of pictures.  We love this time of year.

Abby as a Pirate.
This weekend, being the last one before Halloween (which, since God hates me, falls on a Monday), is chock-full of all sorts of Halloween hooplah for the Houghs.  Yesterday, we had Alayna and Abby's Halloween party and costume parade at their school, Sunchild Academy.  Tomorrow we have to prepare the house for trick or treaters, and then later on in the evening have Trunk or Treating at the church (Kris volunteered us to host a vehicle this year).

Today, as it were, was full of activities at Osprey Park in nearby Hunter's Creek.  Every year, they host the Hunter's Creek Halloween Festival - which is very kid friendly, and - most importantly - free.  Like last year, we had hoped to do Osprey's huge Spook Trail with the girls, wherein they could walk around and collect candy from strategically-placed volunteer workers.

Well, evidently the Hunter's Creekers decided that they'd swap out the ol' Spook Trail for a f***in' hayrideHooray!

We skipped that.

So, in place of the 'Trail, we opted to spend a few hours hitting up the carnival games, bounce houses, and booths that Osprey had to offer.  We also met up with the Taylers again, so the Cannonball was able to spend some time with her boy crush.

As always, here's a shit load of pictures.  Enjoy:


Parade at Sunchild Academy:  Forced march of the princesses...
Alayna with some lady wearing a striped, burlap sack
Alayna with Derrick's mom, Joy
On the way to Osprey...
Abby the Pirate
This was a huge hit with Alayna...
Arriving at Osprey Park's Halloween Festival
Sunchild crew.
Holy shit - it's Lego Batman!
Alayna earns her meal ticket...
Note the vintage McDonald's Halloween bucket from the 1980s.  Yes.  We're classy like that.
People watching.
Trying to look as cool and sophisticated as possible while pulling two kids in a Step 2 wagon.
Lettin' the kids Free Range
Rehearsing scenes from Disney's Tangled... which we're lucky enough to watch on a daily basis.  Two or three times.
Bustin' it up
In the bowels of a bounce house...
Sliding with Derrick
The ol' Bean Bag Toss game.  Bane of my existence.
Receiving pity candy from the game's operator.  Alayna is no bag tosser.
Alayna and Derrick
Who knows what the point of this game is...
Awaiting Mega Slide
More bounce housin' (See the kid on the far left?  He dressed up as Mr. Smee from Peter Pan for Halloween.  I guarantee you that he's the only child in the United States that did so this year.)
Alayna was obsessed with this inflatable seal.
McDonald's for the kids' dinner, courtesy of Nana and Papa.
Alayna decided this needed her signature. Why she signs her surname, I don't know...
- Brian