Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011, Pt. II: Trunk or Treat

America's Favourite Family
Happy Pre-Halloween, fellas!

I generally loathe Sundays.  Sure, I get to technically 'sleep in' a little, but when you have kids, that more or less means 6:30am instead of 5:30am.  Still not awesome.  Following Sunday's extra hour or so of sleep, Yours Truly generally has to devote the rest of the morning, afternoon, and evening to yard work and lesson planning for the upcoming school week.  And that's it.

LOADS of fun.

Well, today was no different - I still had a crap-load of work to take care of throughout the earlier part of the day.  However, since this is a holiday weekend and all, I had to make time for an evening activity with the Fam:

Trunk or Treating.

Yes, you heard that correctly, folks - no typo.  Trunk or treat.  Kris volunteered us through her church (Peace United Methodist of Hunter's Creek).  We ended up taking Alayna there a few years ago (remember?), but didn't go last year because Halloween itself fell on a Sunday.  So this year, we're hitting it up again... and this year, we're actively participating in it.

The Cannonball decorates the back of Kris' Uplander...
Basically, a dozen or so cars, trucks, and vans all pop their trunks and decorate them up in some random Halloween motif.  They then proceed to pass out candy from the trunks of their cars... which, as I'm led to believe, is something that was once frowned upon by the majority of society.  I was taught at a young age to avoid taking candy from strangers in cars, but I guess the times are-a changin'.

'Tis the season.

Anyway, here's a ton of pics for you (sorry, no video - I used my Sony instead of my cell phone.  My apologies).  Enjoy:

Hough Ladies
Junk in several trunks.
Scouring for goods...
We didn't really have a theme going into this thing, so we just kinda grabbed a bunch of random stuff lying around the house....
...So the next thing you know, we ended up having this haunted dungeon-looking set-up.  Got a lot of compliments on it, though...
Having a blast...
Abby looks wasted here... I don't think she was, though.
Abby barking orders at someone...
Abby is introduced to Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin...
Abby, loving life.
Our kids hung out in the van a good deal of the time, watching She-Ra on the DVD player...
Dungeon Masters
Trick/Trunk or Treating
I'm just hot enough to pull this off.
Bizarro Family Portrait

- Brian

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