Friday, September 16, 2011


...All I do is work, so you'll have to excuse my lack of correspondence lately.

Things in 6th grade are pretty busy these days - having to lesson plan from scratch EVERY DAY is time-consuming. I devote my entire Sundays to lesson planning (and yard work - there's always that), and there's still not enough done to coast through an entire week of work. I can't wait 'til the routine sets in and I don't have to kill every, last available second working on Ancient History (as awesome as that is).

In other news, Alayna started Preschool at the Peace United Methodist Church. She's going a few days a week, just to get back into a classroom setting after months of pool and sun and Netflix. Here's some pics and videos from the last couple weeks to bring you all up to speed.


- Brian

Some guy who was having a charity garage sale made Alayna a balloon-version of herself. Creepy. As. Hell.


Baby Sister. $5. Crowd Favorite.

F***!! A Gigantic Chimp!!!

Fun with a Sprinkler...



Bizarro Yoga, Hough-Style

Ready for her first day at school...

Alayna's new preschool classroom at the Peace United Methodist Church...

Sprinkler Time!

Taking an important phone call...

At McDonald's (this room smells like moldy death...)

Post-ER visit. The Cannonball figured it'd be a good idea to take a swan dive into the edge of the bathtub.

Cruisin' Around on the Back Porch

At the Library...

Good times...

Alayna, talking to herself on the way home from school. She's a special child.


Up the slide...

The Cannonball

Abby's Harmonica

Duplos at Downtown Disney...

Matching Letters

Play-Doh Time on the Back Porch

Pipe Cleaning 101 - four hours of edge-of-your-seat excitement

Adventure time.

Abby starts talking...

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