Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Kid Update, Vol. II

Yes, I realize we haven't been 'on the ball' with updating our family website this month. A thousand apologies. Our workloads have been insane this year (remember me mentioning 'the A'Team'? Turns out I was right about many of those assumptions of mine). This year's gonna be a bonafide train-wreck.

Work aside, having two kids is interestingly enough twice as time-consuming as just raising one. Who knew. You'd think it'd be more of a buy-one, get-one free sorta thing. Whatever.

In conclusion, we sincerely hope everybody has been able to persevere through this difficult time surfing the world wide web sans Hough updates. We appreciate the patience, folks, and look forward to sorta disappointing and/or minorly inconveniencing you in the near future.

Having said that, Enjoy some new footage, folks.


- Brian

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