Hot booze. Rum. In the 21st century, civilized world, we add spice and a touch of lime juice. I opted to give the 18th century royal navy/pirate standard a whirl, as a genuine fan of both rum and 18th century nautical history.
First, I needed a mug worthy of holding the concoction. Fortunately, Yours Truly keeps plenty of pirate mugs about...

Now, I had most of the ingredients lying around the house (with the exception of the rum, which I had to drive out later and pick up). Here's what goes in 21st century Grog:

1 teaspoon brown sugar/cinnamon

2 ounces dark rum (I opted to try something else besides my standard Sailor Jerry's and Captain Morgan's - the folks at Knightly Spirits recommended Abuelo's)

1/2 ounce fresh lime juice

4 ounces hot water (Hot booze? I know...)
Step #1: Stir spices into your flagon of awesomeness until dissolved.

Step #2: Pour in the booze, twist with lime.
...moment of truth...

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