Hey again, gang...
Well, I decided I couldn't stand to be away from work any longer. A month of summer without having to shout over the voices of others and stop kids from doing things that I wasn't doing until college wasn't all what it was cracked up to be. Or whatever.
My school invited me to take part in the Jumpstart Program, which is a week-long, get-to-know-the-school program for incoming sixth graders. Our first days were pretty good - it's mostly a bunch of science experiments and other camp-ish type of stuff, which is fine by me. This program's funding my upcoming Christmas tattooing sessions with the Sausage Pad and my brother.

Speaking of school, my own kids are heading back to Primrose... which is so awesome I begin to well up just thinking about it. As cool as my kids might be at times, it's still pretty awesome having them kicked out of the house and letting someone else get headaches dealing with them. Besides, I'm sure the Cannonball misses socializing with kids her own age, and it'll be nice having Abby adhere to somewhat of a stricter schedule.

Kris is going off maternity leave this week as well, which means her four month super-summer vacation has officially come to a close. She also celebrated her birthday (Aug. 3rd) in a relatively low-key fashion - just a cheesecake (decorated by yours truly) and dinner with the Fam, seeing how we sprung for the desk a little earlier in order to make sure we had ample time to set it up before we all headed back to our respective occupations.

Speaking of occupations, if mine ends up not panning out, I think I might be able to fall back on cake-decorating. The Pirate vs. Hippopotamus cake I made Kris this year was, I think, a major success. There is definitely a little cake-smith in these, old veins...
- Brian
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