Hey gang.
Kris has been unemployed for nigh on two months with maternity leave, and I have been working part time teaching Summer Grade Recovery at my school (in order to round up some extra cash for unnecessary purchases). With all this not-working going on, you'd think we'd be a lit more motivated to get stuff done around the house.
Not so much.
Maybe its our bipolar 'Terrible Twos' Toddler throwing toys about like Godzilla and screaming for God knows why, maybe its the bottomless pit that is our immobile new addition, who knows... but we cannot get shit done around this place.
Next up: the Eatery (or 'Digestion Nook').
Our kitchen, while spacious enough, used to look nasty. See for yourself.
Pretty gross, right? Granted, a lot of this has to do with the fact that most of our appliances date to the late '80s/early '90s (no, seriously), when Yours Truly was busy flipping up blue jean jacket collars and picking his nose to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Alas, most of our kitchen's eww-ishness stems not from crappy old appliances, but instead from our fugly, fugly kitchen cabinets.
They have disgusted us since we moved in, and, over the course of the last four or five months, we have brough up restaining or painting them at least once a week. So, when my mom and stepdad flew down to hang out with the grandgirls and help remodel various parts of the house (see The Library(ish) Room), we figured we'd make good on something that was long overdue.
I didn't think repainting the entire kitchen was feasible. These cupboards were nasty. Besides, I was preoccupied with grad school and Summer School, and - quite honestly - didn't feel like spending my free time painting a kitchen. Kris, however, was adamant about getting this done.
So, while I taught Summer School, and John was occupied with the Library and various other projects around the house, Mom and Kris went to war with the kitchen.
This is what they accomplished:
Hooray for women in the kitchen.
- Brian
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