Well, folks, we were able to pull off another birthday party for the older kid.
Kris had, from the get-go, wanted a 'simple, informal get-together' for Alayna. A few pizzas, a kiddie pool, etc. Well, she then proceeded to invite a ton of people from her work place, as well as other kids from the Cannonball's classroom and their folks.

So, before you know it, what had originally been a simple get-together suddenly turned into a much larger affair. Granted, not nearly as bad as last year's giganto, logistical nightmare, but still bigger than initially anticipated.
So, now with twenty to thirty people showing up for the kid's second birthday, we had to purchase additional food, beer, pop, cake, ice cream, etc. Kris, having successfully pulled off Alayna's Foofa (
Yo Gabba Gabba) cake, decided to make two more cakes based on characters from the show - Muno and Toodee.
Check 'em out:

We were convinced we were going to get rained out for the kid's party, which would've sucked since we had set everything up for an outside hang-out... thirty people in my living room didn't sound so awesome to me. Fortunately, the rain came much later in the evening, long after everyone had left. So, although it was hotter than all Hell outside, it never rained. Cowabunga.
Here's some pics from the kid's party. Enjoy.
- Brian
The backyard set-up, commonly referred to as 'Sweatsville'
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