This has been a nutty week, make no mistake about it.
I think Zeus is pissed at us, though. For whatever reason.

On Sunday, as I was grading papers and otherwise enjoying the Sabbath, a storm front rolled in. This isn't a big deal down here in America's Wang, so the Houghs thought nothing of it. We've been through some pretty crazy storms since we've been down here (no hurricanes yet, fortunately), and have never had an issue with lightning before, so we didn't consider unplugging anything this time around. "That's pretty stupid, guys," you might say to yourself, "considering you idiots live in the lightning capital of the world."
Well, reader, you might have something, there.

Kris was working on her CDA on the other laptop, and, like me, she had it plugged into the wall. Suddenly, Zeus struck. A loud pop, bang, and flash, and Kris screams. Her laptop shuts off, and she is electrocuted. After making sure her and the penis-less fetus she's been growing insider herself were both cool, I came to the horrific realization that our poor lil' router (see above) was not. It was dead.

We endured a week-long forced unplugging from the grid, folks. This made working on my grad school work extremely difficult, and I practically became on first-name familiarity with everyone employed at Brighthouse Networks (our internet service provider). To make a long story short, it turns out the lightning struck some cable hub really, really close to our house, and fried the line. Two techs couldn't figure it out at first, and I replaced three cable modems before we finally stumbled upon the source of the problem.
I also had to drop $70 on a fancy new router (speed was essential, folks), and purchased a Belkin N router (see above, and which I'd recommend to any of you who are looking for new ones yourself).

In conclusion, if you're out to piss off one of the gods, might I suggest someone like Poseidon (unless you live by the open seas) or Hermes... who I'm pretty sure doesn't do anything besides relay messages back and forth between deities.
Do not piss off Zeus. Ever.