Sunday, March 14, 2010

St. Patrick's Day (Observed) 2010

Hi gang,

Today marked our annual St. Patrick's Day (observed) festivities, and once again we ventured out to the coast (Melbourne) for whatever-the-heck their Irish Fest is officially called.

Like we told you about last year, they had a parade, bands, dancers, pipers, drummers, corned beef and cabbage, Irish and English beers on draught, and all the outdoor shenanigans one could ask for. The festivities center around Meg O'Malley's, which, while not nearly as awesome as the Doherty, has proven to be a reliable source of Irish mayhem while we're unable to venture home for the infamous Clare Irish Festival.

This year the Voigts came with us, too, which was cool 'cause otherwise it would've been just me drinking beer next to a pregnant woman and a toddler... and that would've gotten old after awhile (then again, it is St. Patrick's Day, so I might not have minded all that much...).

They had a blow-up thing that kids like bouncing on (whatever those are called), so the kid had good fun with that. She also got to play in the dirt in the lot behind the pub, which is always a big plus for her (we're good parents).

Lot of familiar faces about - lots of the same folks that were there the previous year when we went with Mike and Amber, such as Creepo the Leprechaun (at right), who, once again, was festively drunk. I'm not sure what his official role at the festivities entails, but I do know that I appreciate his devotion to that role. Saw a few of the same marshals, pipers and the like, and so while we were 1300 miles south of where we would've preferred to be, we were definitely somewhere that deserved a silver medal.

In closing, here's a crapload more pictures for you to briefly skim over before going about your cyber surfing. Slainte!

- Brian

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