Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tub Probs

Hi folks.

Well, once again, something is messed up with our house. Since we moved in, we've endured several setbacks with appliances, services, and the like - some of which I've disclosed before in previous posts. Some of these were minor, and some were somewhat of a big deal.

The most recent dilemma to befall the Hough clan, alas, is somewhat of a big deal. The bathtub in our guest/kids' bathroom, for whatever reason, had a leak in it (or something, I don't know - I'm not a plumber). We only used it a few times before we started noticing that something was wrong. Whenever we'd drain the tub after bathing the Cannonball, the floor near the entry way of the Man Room would get wet. At first, I thought I spilled a drink on my way in/out of my hallowed sanctuary (crazier things have happened, for sure), but soon enough we managed to put two and two together and realize - with no small degree of horror - that the two occurrences were directly related to one another.

Here's what happened: whenever the tub would drain, water would seep into the floor in the adjoining hall linen closet and soak into the carpet of the Man Room. As mold has long been a scourge of mine - a vehement tormentor of mine for years - we knew that we couldn't let this disaster to continue. When we had a maintenance wiz (and I use this term with no small dose of sarcasm) come out and evaluate the situation for us, he concluded (over the course of a week or so) that he had to remove a crapload of tile and strip out the carpet in the Man Room in order to eleviate the problem.

Well, we did the ol' 'leave a door key under the welcome mat' thing for about a week and a half, and gave this guy and his unknown colleague(s) free run of our house in order to fix the problem. Eventually, after I had moved out half of my Man Room and we abandoned that bathroom completely for over a week, we were finally able to bathe our kid without bathing my carpet. Which was nice.

So... to date, we have had fixed or replaced: dryer ducts in the attic, several window blinds, a few window screens, a dryer, a fence, practically every light bulb in the house, a toilet, a refrigerator, and a bathtub., houses rule.

- Brian

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