Friday, October 16, 2009

In the Mood (for Raffi)

the cannonball has entered that hell-phase of "terrible twos." hooray for us, right?

she's getting an early start to it, too... which we're absolutely loving at this point. tantrums, whining for no apparent reason, unrelenting getting-in-to-stuff-ishness, etc. the only thing - and believe me, we've tried finding something else - to calm this kid down when she gets all worked up is the raffster (see, "Original Gangster (for Kids").

when she first showed interest in this ol' troubadour, it was cute. "hey, our kid likes the same kid's musician that we did when we were super little - that's awesome."

yeah, well...

its been a few weeks since then... and this kid watches this concert movie every. single. day. i'm not even kidding. its gotten so bad that i'm whistling "peanut butter sandwich" and "baby beluga" at work. it gets looks, folks - nobody wants to see a grown man whistle kid tunes. its creepy.

this VHS tape has gotten so played out that its literally beginning to fall apart. adjusting the tracking on the VCR hasn't been enough to clear up the picture on the screen - its worn down from excessive use. i suppose, though, that it being on its last leg and all is a blessing of sorts... i'm just nervous what awaits us when this tape dies and we're left raffi-less (of course, we could buy the DVD, but i'm not quite willing to bite the bullet on this one yet). i'm sure 'super parents' out there might balk at the houghs using television as a means of calming down our screaming toddler; is it bad of us to sit our kid down in front of a TV for twenty eight acoustic minutes when she's in the middle of a freak-out? maybe.

...but maybe you smell bad. so shut up.


do they make cat nip for toddlers?

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