i believe i'm cursed when it comes to iTunes.
since 2003, my iTunes library - my sole source of jams (excluding my records) since most of my CDs were stolen in a heist back in november of that same year - has consistently been plagued with organizational and logistical problems. first, there was the Great File Corruption Scare of 2004, that led to a solid 1/3 of my songs starting half-way through the song that preceded it. following this, and a massive overhaul and re-importation of all my old music, came the epic Song Duplication Disaster of 2006, which massacred countless hours that could've been spent doing something far less nerdical and many times more productive. it didn't help that i was operating my library with a desktop that had the computing power of a cardboard box... but let's not get off topic, here.

it wasn't until 2008, when yours truly put on his daddy pants, destroyed the troublesome library all together, and rebuilt it from the ground up - jam by jam - that i was finally able to restore order to my iTunes.
...or at least i thought.
as you all know (and i'm sure deeply, deeply care about), i bought a flashy, new macbook pro the first week of august. at the time, i realized that i'd need to buy a new chord in order to utilize my external harddrive (where my trusty iTunes - polished upand ready to rock and roll - was waiting patiently.) a couple days after buying my new computer, i ordered an adapter to convert my 400 firewire cable to an 800 firewire port, which is standard with the macbook pro.
well, the adapter showed up, sure enough, about a week later... and something didn't work. my computer wasn't registering the external HD at all (of course).

that sucks, says brian, hopefully its not the laptop. a quick venture to the apple store (which i've already told you about) proved that it was, in fact, the adapter... which was about the best, possible outcome i could've hoped for in the situation. so, after obtaining a refund from amazon, i ordered a cable instead... and my iTunes library patiently waited for jam optimization in my unused, neglected HD.

three weeks later. USPS and my apartment complex have, collectively, lost the package. no one knows where it is. God, recognizing my devotion to the sacrilegious idol that is iTunes, intervened and smote the package while it was in transit to my house. that's the only thing that could've possibly happened to it. He realized, in his infinite wisdom, that i was straying from my duties as a christian, and that i was placing mp3 playlists before Him... or something. i don't know. its been three weeks and i still can't access my music.
i hate so many things right now i don't even know where to begin...
... and i just now realized that this is probably the nerdiest, f***ing entry i've ever posted. holy crap.
- iHough