'time for yours truly to tear off his muslim man dress and strap on his grown-up pants (which, surprisingly, still fit despite two or three months of loafing around the house like a trailer park occupant).
not that i know many trailer park dwellers working on their master's. still...
anyway, my reason for typin' is this, friends: i officially started back and my school today. no, not with kids (that's next monday). just with staff and faculty. we had a half-hour 'welcome back'/staff meeting, and then were excused to our rooms to begin (or, in my fortunate case, continue) setting up our rooms. as you already know, i was smart this year (yes, me) and returned to the school a week earlier than the crowded educational masses in order to call dibs on all the sweet (i.e. ungraffitied) desks, tables, and book cases. it was a good thing, too: this place was a friggin' mad house today. i'm so glad i wasn't one of our new teachers (we have about a dozen or so) coming into all of this - nothing was up and running for them, and folks were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

anyway... i have a parent open house on wednesday that should be interesting. my biggest turnout for parents is about 2/5 of the total parent population for my student roster - adults don't seem to care about their kids' education down here. who knows. it sucks, but its how crap works down here. i'll keep you posted with more hilarious banter from this first week back (what i can disclose publicly, at any rate) - stay tuned.
warmest regards,
mr. hough
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