hear me out.
i believe i mentioned before how time-consuming raising a kid can be. not only are they expensive, but, when you're all alone at home with them for an extended period of time, they literally suck the life force out from inside you. i'm not exaggerating. i think, in all honesty, the reason why i'm coming across so dramatic with all of this is because of all the many, many things i had planned for my ultimate summer vacation this year, i've accomplished probably 12% of it. that's it. maybe 15%. the vinyl collection has yet to be cataloged. my book has been neglected like a red-headed step-child, as has my writing through long ridge. to this day, i have yet to crack open any of my school resources for lesson planning the upcoming 2009-2010 school year. i manage to get my lazy ass up and into a 30 minute work-out two or three times a week if i'm lucky.

in fact, the only thing i have managed to stay on top of this year is grad school, and that's only because i'm paying out the ass for it and i don't want to fail.
...furthermore, grad school isn't fun, so its not like my summer's been totally awesome because i've been staying on top of my studies. holy borefest.
no, friends, this summer's been pretty wasteful - looking back i feel like i've pissed away a decent chunk of it. sure, the kid's birthday weekend was eventful, and we did have a great family vacation to treasure island two weeks ago... but those remain the high points of my summer. in a few days, we depart to michigan for a week-long stint at my dad's cottage on eight point lake. that's the highlight of my summer; once we return from michigan, at the beginning of august, its all downhill from there. i start getting back into school mode, and, before you know, i have to return to work and begin prepping for next year's batch of students.
...and that's the summer. absolute purgatory.
- brian
(happy birthday, mom!)
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