Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eight Point 2009

hi gang...

so we recently came back from this year's week-long, tour-de-force hough family vacation. always flying home for a week on a lake. boating, boozery, and bonfires without internet, phone reception, or cable television. the annual, week-long unplugging from the inter-grid is a much-needed recharging of the ol' batteries before heading into yet another school year, and our family vacation is definitely something we look forward to throughout the entire year.

the three of us flew up this year, and it was the second time we've flown with the kid. she did pretty good on the normal jet-liner from orlando to cleveland (thank you very much, children's benadryl). on the connection flight from cleveland to good ol' flint, michigan, however, we had one of those crappy prop-job planes... and those 45 minutes of turbulent, pure hell was enough to drive each one of us to suicide. the kid woke up halfway through the flight, and i think it can go without saying that toddlers do not particularly care for turbulence.

besides that, though, the cannonball traveled fairly well. the airlines are brutal these days with those stupid additional bag fees, so kris and i, not wanting to pay additional the $50 in additional fees for checking a second bag, were loaded like pack mules with carry-on luggage... which, consequently, meant the traveling throughout airport terminals with a wobbling child in tow all the more fun.

flying home at christmas should be loads of fun...

anyway, the majority of our week at the cottage was spent hanging out on the lake - boating, fishing, going on beer runs, etc. we managed to see a few old friends from high school and college while we were up - zack, the seloskes, grit, lee, trevor, the hilgers, kim, sara, etc. - as well as our extended families (kris' side, my mom's side), sporadically throughout the week. on sunday we took alayna to the church's campgrounds in sanford, and there had john and jann wolf administer her blessing. once the majority of the spectators left after the service, the core of my dad's family stuck around and we had a short memorial service for my grandpa, and got to scatter his ashes at the campground's point. we also were able to have some professional pictures of the kid taken while we were home, which turned out really good (if not a bit on the pricey side).

now, i was going to throw up a bunch of pictures from our trip home (collectively, our family took over 1200), but i'm a lazy, lazy man... and i think its way easier to just post a link to my dad's website, where there are already a ton of pictures already up.

- brian

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