Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Vacation. Engage.

here we go.

technically, my summer vacation started monday. i'm sorry for the two-day late start.

monday was a half day for me, more or less, but we were all required to go anyway. had to turn in my school laptop, my set of room keys, get a bunch of other random blah-blah signed off on. not too difficult. most of the day was spent working on the book in my now-barren classroom, as i had taken care of most of the cleaning-out and wrapping-up process the previous friday.

getting paid to do nothing is awesome... which is why i'm looking forward to the next three months.

last year, about this time, we were prepping up for the cannonball's arrival. the three months that followed were lack-luster in terms of shenanigans, as we ran on little or no sleep and every move we made revolved around the newborn. this summer, yours truly has a few initiatives that he's going to try and push through before he has to once again juggle a bunch of ape-ish teenagers come mid-august. they are as follows:

1. keep up on grad school crap and finish assignments as early as humanly possible. this is way easier than it sounds. yes, i have nothing else to distract myself from getting my master's, now that i'm done with work... except for that whole 'kid' thing. you try writing terms papers while a toddler is ripping DVDs and books off the shelves and screaming her ass off. go ahead.

2. develop a work-out routine. this hasn't been nearly as difficult as the grad school crap - i've actually managed to get off my ass every day since school let out. this should account for something, too, as it comes from someone who despises exercise just as much as he despises cats or diane sawyer.

3. work on my writing. now that i've been accepted into the writing program, and am getting professional advice and guidance, i can finally start the ball rolling with freelancing writing. (if i can find the time).

4. update and manage all mundane side-projects. lots of boring shit that isn't really important or entertaining, but time-consuming and eating away at the back of my conscious. clean up my files on the computer. finish the last african adventures movie. organize all my work files. pfft...

5. prepare lesson plans and classroom management/discipline plan for the 2009-2010 school year. bwah-ha-haha! yeah right...

we'll see how all this crap works out with me now being a full-time housedad. i'll be in touch, kids...

the world's greatest DILF,

- brian

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