what's up, players.
we're about three weeks into the summer, folks. three weeks have gone by and i've managed to accomplish little of what i had initially set out to do. the lesson planning for the upcoming 2009 - 2010 school year? yeah, not so much. the writing? a little, but not nearly as much as i'd prefer. the mundane side-projects - cleaning up my iTunes libraries, working on iMovies and slideshows for family, cataloging and organizing my vinyl record collection (i know, shut up) - here and there.
the problem in my inefficiency so far this summer stems from one, blatantly obvious source: my daughter.
chasing after this one year old time bomb takes up practically every, single, waking moment of my daily routine, and my consequent inability to get anything done, day in and day out, is driving me insane. nothing gets done with a kid in the house. feeding, changing, bathing, playing... and i though the wife was high maintenance.

on a plus side, folks, i have managed to somewhat land myself into a pseudo workout routine of sorts. for about 30 minutes a day, a few days a week, i bust my ass on the Nintendo Wii Fit, which, for those of you who can generally be found living under a rock on most days, is a videogame that utilizes a sensor-based board so that the user can exercise whilst playing videogames.
i know it sounds stupid, folks, but it works. at least it does for this guy, at any rate.

i should probably be doing it everyday - despite all of this exercisin', i think the remainder of the day where i'm loafing around my apartment playing super-dad is canceling out all my hard work - but, for the time being, i'm holding onto that almighty clothing standard of dudehood: medium sized shirt/32" waistline. that's my 38th parallel, and i'm going to hold that line as long as i can.
speaking of which, its time to get off my ass and start this evening's sweatfest.
- brian
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