Sunday, November 2, 2008

School Sucks

well, it looks like yours truly is one step closer to getting into grad school.


i figured the threat of my temporary certificate expiring in a year was sound enough motivation for me to begin furthering my professional development. around these parts, one must take an additional 20 semester hours of additional education coursework on top of a three-year, non-renewable 'temporary certificate' (which is what i hold now) in order to obtain the almighty 'professional certificate' (which is five-year, renewable, transferrable license). from what i can gather, if i don't take 20 semester hours within the next year in a half, before my temporary certificate expires, i run the risk of losing my job. least i think i do - i'm having one hell of a time sorting all this crap out.

generally i get easily confused with this crap: not getting straight answers from anyone, having to hold for an operator for nigh on thirty minutes before being told you've contacted the wrong department and they can't transfer you, losing important documentation and having different customer service represenatitives contradict one another over policy, etc. what's really, really great about all of this is that, like all other civilized businesses in the free world, the florida department of education (FDOE), whom i've been dealing with in order to get the ball rolling with my certification nightmare/grad school application, is only open from 9am to 5pm monday - friday. and guess who's unable to get to a phone before 5pm? yeah, that's right. me.

this, as you all well know, is impossible for yours truly unless i handle correspondence with aforementioned institution in the middle of my classroom. this crap gives me a headache.

if you can take away one thing from all of this, guys, it is this:

school sucks.

- brian

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