Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sniffles McGee and the Case of the In-Network Plus Plan, Pt. II

meanwhile, back at headquarters...

i cannot stand handling the paperwork that deals with all this insurance and/or finance crap. i don't have a head for any of this at all, and was really hoping to only have to deal with this said gut-wrenching once every few years. however, as i've said before, the state of florida hates its teachers (don't ask me why), and, also like i've said before, the budget for education was slashed to smithereens (this is somehow not as puzzling).

... and so, too, went my old health insurance. which was awesome.

now, dear readers, kris and i each are on our own insurance policies through our own places of employment. with the economy falling ever souther into the dumps, we had to suspend our nightly $100 burning and tighten our belts up a few dozen notches. the cannonball - if all goes according to plan - is going to be covered under something called kidcare, which i had never heard of before and haven't the slightest idea of what it all entails (kris handles this sort of thing for the most part, as i'm nearly useless when it comes to figuring all this crap out).

usually, i'm a pretty optimistic person. despite what these postings and others may have otherwise led you to believe, its true. but with regards to this sudden health insurance fiasco, and the economic fallout of the state's education budget, i'm starting to grow concerned. i mean, i have no intention about bringing up politics in this blog (as nearly half of the people reading this crap most likely vote for the 'other' party), but i think the nation's economy being in the shitter, by this point in time, is a bipartisan truth that both sides of the aisle can agree upon.

it definitely doesn't take a genius to realize florida's hurting in a bad way. but before, when florida was walking around with a black eye and a fat lip, it was more annoying that frightening.

now, with a leg missing, an eye ripped out of its socket, and its innards spilling out of its open belly, florida is no longer annoying. its flat-out disgusting.

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