Monday, September 29, 2008

A Day In The Park

So, Alayna is getting bigger than ever. A whopping 11 pounds 2 ounces in her 3rd month of life. She is doing great at school, rolling over on her own now, and eating cereal. Not to mention laughing; although the giggles are few and far between. She likes to make us work hard for those.

Florida is finally cooling off now that we're into fall, so we decided to spend a day at the park over the weekend.
She loves the fresh air, as we all do. That same day we attempted her 3 month pictures only to have it turn into disaster. She decided to not be the happy baby we all know and love, but instead to cry the whole time and be uncooperative with the poses. We ended up getting some pictures anyway, which in a few weeks we'll be sending out to everyone.
No need for you guys to cough up your own money this time around. Then hopefully around the same time we'll be getting school pictures in. If those don't cost an arm and a leg (hopefully not since I get half off), then we'll be getting you some of those as well.
Which, if my coworkers are telling the truth, turned out really cute.
We also just had her follow-up appointment with the cardiologist. And, unfortunately she still has her heart murmur. Still small and no worries, but we'll be checking up with him again when she's around 1 year old. For those of you who didn't know about this, don't worry. It's very common and people who have them live perfectly normal lives. However, we are still crossing our fingers that it will close up on its soon within time.
Besides all of that, her new new obsession is sucking her middle two fingers.

Take care,

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