Wednesday, July 9, 2008

2 Weeks of Grandmas

Since you last heard from us, we've had a couple weeks of entertaining both sides of the family. My mom, Marcy, started out the first week and we ended our visits with Brian's mom, Renee for the second week. Thanks to them, we had a few extra hours of sleep a day and a clean place to live in. The help was much needed and appreciated. Now it's back on our own.

During my mom's stay, we were unfortunately stuck with Florida's lovely thunderstorms on a daily basis. So, the outings were minimal. We did manage to hit up a little Downtown Disney and get Alayna's first portraits taken; along with a few shots of the family. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, you can check them out at by entering in the following information: Customer Name: KRISTINA HOUGH, Access Code: LTPP0459101723JCP. Renee was a bit more lucky with the weather and was able to enjoy getting out and basking in the sun almost every day. Most of our outings with her were still limited to errands since the baby can't quite take the heat yet. We did, however, manage another Downtown Disney venture and a little gift shopping.

Now that things have settled a little here, we have 2 weeks to unspoil our bundle of joy. We will soon be traveling up to Michigan for the rest of the Grandparents and immediate family to spoil her again and send us packing with a child that cannot be put down. Nonetheless, we're looking forward to a chance at being at home during the summer and seeing the remainder of those we're closest to.

We'll check in again upon our return.


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