Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cannonball's First Bath and Other Updates

Hey folks...

How's everybody doing? We're still not getting any sleep on this end. Alayna's beginning to have a tendency of sleeping all day and raising a ruckus at night - she hates her cradle with a passion, and Kristina and I are lucky if we can wrangle 3 hours of sleep at a time.
Anyway, we decided to give Alayna her first bath on Friday, as it had been a few days since coming home from the super-sterile hospital and all. This fiasco probably could've gone over a lot better.

Kris assumes that the water was too cold, but I like to think that we just have one, stinky-ass baby who hates being clean and would rather gas up the house in her own filth instead of taking a bath like a civilized human being. That's just me, though.

<- This picture, I believe, speaks for itself.

Bathing aside, things are beginning to settle down (slightly) around here. Fezzig's not enjoying the extra noise and commotion around the place, and we're pretty convinced he/she's already beginning to pick up and imitate the baby's wails. Not cool. Alayna's becoming a big fan of her Fisher Price 'Rainforest' gear and her Baby Einstein DVDs - holy crap, does music seems to knock her right out. If only this practice could be utilized at night... then we might be able to catch some shut-eye around this damn place.

In other news, we're getting ready to kick-off the Summer of Grandmas. Starting tomorrow, we'll be importing grandmas from Michigan to come stay with us for week-long stints of helping out with Alayna, the house, etc. Kristina's mom Marcy is coming in first - we're picking her up from the OIA sometime around 7pm, I think. Stay tuned.

F----n' Exhausted,
- brian

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