'Sup homies.
So tonight Abby and the rest of her JV Pom Team held the usual end-of-season banquet over at the high school. Yours Truly didn't end up attending this time around, as I had been forced to come home from work earlier in the day because I was super sick, so I slept on the living couch all day. As such, I'm relying solely on the pics that Kris, Abby and Alayna took throughout the hour-long banquet, which included the usual award ceremony, eating, and loads of posed pictures with friends. And I'm obviously just going to spitball as far as captioning goes, folks.
Let's see how it went. . .
Alayna took this black-and-white pic of Abby seated alone at a table and shared it on the family thread. In reality, she was the first one to get through the food line and take her seat at the table while her friends followed shortly behind her. But Alayna thought it was hilarious. |
Abby walks forward to receive her award from her coaches during the award presentation. |
After the awards were distributed, the team stood around and. . . . did. . . something. . . with these decorated paper plates. . . I guess. |
(Seriously, I have no idea what's happening here.) |
Abby and her JV coaches. |
Abby and Nica |
And now one with whoever the hell this is. |
Abby received the Little Miss Sunshine award from her teammates. Which I assume means she usually has a sunny disposition or something (in public at least.) |
And one from her coaches for 'laser focus.' Which sure as hell beats 'most forgetful' or whatever that she got last year. |
And of course she had to get one with her partner in crime. . . |
Group selfie with some of the kids on her team (Nica, Harper, Emma, and some other chick) |
One with Emma. |
(I don't know who this is.) |
On the way back to the cars, Nica passed on this giant-ass Winnie the Pooh plush that her mom had been trying to get rid of for years. |
Abby's always loved Winnie the Pooh so she was pretty excited about it. |
After they came home, winding down with some before-bed TV with her new couch homie. |
- Brian
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