Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Bunny No Longer Rises

Happy Easter, folks.

God, I hate this holiday so much.  I know I've said that before, but it needs to be brought to everyone's attention every year.  Granted, it hasn't been as bad the last couple of years as it used to be when the girls were younger and bought into the whole Easter Bunny bullshit.  That was the worst:  having to change my handwriting style while creating clues for the annual scavenger hunt so that they thought the bunny wrote them himself (as if bunnies can even f***ing write, let alone create an intricately-designed system of sequenced clues.) 


I was convinced that this year we'd be able to simply set out the girls' Easter Baskets on the kitchen table and forego the usual scavenger hunt shenanigans, because neither girl seemed all that interested in Easter at all.  Then, literally the day before Easter, Alayna and Abby both asked if we were still creating a scavenger hunt for them.

And so, being the Super Dad that I am, I resigned myself to my fate and created yet another scavenger hunt throughout the house.  At least this year I didn't have to make them all cutesy by using a fake handwriting style and crafting colorful Easter Egg clues out of colorful paper - which saved an ass-load of time - but both girls brought up the fact that this year's clues were 'boring.'

I hate kids.

So yeah, this year's hunt was brutal for the girls.  The clues were challenging and vague, and required an active use of Google on their phones; consequently, it took them about two hours to complete the scavenger hunt, and we were convinced at one point that they weren't going to figure it all out before we had to get around for church (though ultimately they did.)

I didn't break out the SLR for this year's hunt, because I knew we were going to be taking a lot of breaks, but Kris took some video for you all - check it out:

The hunt begins. . .
Stuck on another clue, Alayna turns to Google and Abby gorges on grapes. . .
Kris guzzles some parenting juice.
She's going to really appreciate me posting this picture.
Of course I had to add some vinyl-related clues in there.  Anything to get these two learning about decent music.
Abby, heading in the wrong direction.
I thought some of these clues would have been too easy for the girls, buuuuuut. . . I guess not.
Hours later, they finally reach the end of their quest.
We always get suckered into buying these two assholes Easter Baskets.  The dogs, that is - not the girls. 
I LOVE Easter.
Giving the dogs some of their Easter Basket nonsense. . .
Kris wanted a picture of the girls on Easter before Church (this is about as formal as we can make the Cannonball dress these days.)
The whole gang, before heading out for Sunday service.
After church, Mom had folks over to her house for an Easter lunch with Grandpa Chinery.  While we were over there, I saw a recently-discovered hero from a long-gone age had magically resurfaced in one of the garden beds in Mom's backyard.  It was kinda like seeing an old friend, but the dude has definitely seen better days.

- Brian

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