How's it going, Internet.
April was pretty typical this year - kinda busy, kinda not. It's testing season in schools right now, so our weeknights were pretty chill, with occasional weekends being packed full of events. The big difference this month was Abby's continual involvement in basketball, having practices and games a couple times per week (which you'll see here in a sec.)
Anyway, here's a quick rundown of what April looked around these parts. Enjoy. . .
At the beginning of the month, with so many kids out for Spring Break and what-not, the team that was supposed to play against Abby's didn't have enough girls to field a team (or whatever the basketball equivalent for that is) and consequently forfeited the game. Not wanting to waste an evening in front of parents and other spectators, Abby's coach decided that their team would scrimmage against itself instead. So Abby and half her team faced off against the other half of team (including her BFF, Ella.) The result was surprisingly awesome: totally relaxed and just there to have fun, the girls played better than they ever had before. Abby hit multiple shots, whereas before she was reluctant to even handle the ball at all. |
Abby taking some penalty shots (or whatever they're called in basketball. . . I don't know sports, guys.)
Ella drives it back down the court. |
Seriously. . . so much better than they've played all season.
After the rousing game, the Colliers and Johnsons came back to our place for a few drinks afterwards. Pretty low-key, but better than nothing. |
Oh yeah, and Mitch was there, too. |
Later that weekend, Mitch hosted everyone over at his house for a big grill-fest. |
Bacon-wrapped jalapenos and tri-tips are fan favorites in this group. |
This right here - and the beer, admittedly, is why I can't ever lose weight. |
Ryan and Tom |
Chicken wings, pork loins. . . more of the usual for this group. |
Cigars (shown here in my to-go cigar caddy) to chase down the meat sweats. |

The kids have annexed Mitch's basement. |
Even a slight drizzle can't stop these dudes. |
Packing up at the end of the night. |
Kris has Abby try. . . something. . . someone showed her on Tik Tok. I think.
Having some Grove Tea on the weekend. This place is a favorite among the moms and kids. |
And one with Abby. |
The following week, Kris' niece asked if we'd watch her son, Julian, while she was at work. She dropped him off on a Friday while I was at work and would be picking him up later that evening once she was done (she lives in Bay City, so we were legally responsible for him until like midnight or so.) |
The dogs didn't know what to think of this dude. |
Abby enjoyed taking care of him throughout the afternoon. Her sister. . . not so much. |
The girls had another basketball game later that evening, so before the game Ella swung by to hang out for a bit and to check out the kid. |
Kris finally got around to taking basketball pictures of our kid. Now that the season is just about over. |
Besties. |
I have a way with small children. |
At the basketball game - the last one of the season - Alayna sat outside of the gym so the loud noises wouldn't mess with the kid too much. |
This game was a blood-bath. The team we were playing on this night was one that Abby's team had previously destroyed, but evidently they had practiced their asses off between then and now.
Erik was out of town for this last game, but his family showed up to support Ella. They should have made more signs, though - we got our asses handed to us. |
The following evening, they had an hour-long awards ceremony at a neighboring church, which was more or less them displaying the names of each team while the kids ran out and took their seats. It was pretty boring, but, then again, so is quite a lot of the shit we get stuck doing as parents. |
Kris had the girls sewing these blankets for some church drive they were doing at First United Methodist for the homeless (or something.) The dogs were big fans. |
Ella came over to help out one evening. 'Cause why not. |
The next morning, Kris (and Yours Truly, by proxy), took up a position downtown for some church Easter Egg scavenger hunt. At least the weather was decent. |
Kris and the girls headed over to the Midland Center for the Arts to check out a local production of Seussical the Musical. Abby recognized a few kids she knew that were acting in it. |
Kris' friend, Kim, came along with her kid as well. |
Abby and some chick she knew from the show. |
Out for an evening stroll with the Johnsons. A throwback to our Quarantine days. |
Abby has really exploded with drawing the last couple years, and one of her recent assignments - a drawing of the Midland Center for the Arts - was chosen for display at the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library. Kris asked me to drive her out there to check it out, and you can see how thrilled Abby was to have her picture taken with it. |
Sewing blankets for hobos at Kris' church. You can see how thrilled I am to be doing this. |
Drawing/writing messages for soldiers stationed overseas. |
~2.jpg) |
Abby's letter to our armed servicemen. Hope he, um, likes it. |
One day Abby decided to 'bake cookies.' This is what she came up with. |
I was in the market for new glasses, and finally pulled the trigger on ordering some online, something I had always been hesitant to do in the past. Went with a place called Warbyparker.com (after researching it extensively), and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. I got my Rx from my optometrist, selected five to 'try on,' picked out the winning frames, and sent the box back to the company, free of charge. Two weeks later, I had new glasses Definitely using this company in the future. |
As the weather heats up, Yours Truly had to undergo the annual trial of getting all of our family bikes up and running. This year we ended up scrapping and replacing two - Abby's and Kris' - buying new beach cruisers that were way better than what they had before. |
(I'm still rockin' my '76 Schwinn Varsity, in case anyone out there was curious.) |
Watching another movie on the projector for Family Movie Night. |
Erik, myself, and some brothers from Midland's Masonic lodge met up with some of the guys from Bay City's lodge at a cigar bar in Bay City for a night of hanging out, having a few drinks, and burning down a few cigars. This one was pretty damn good. |
Should have just stopped at the one, but all the other guys got a second one. It took days to get the nasty taste out of my mouth, I don't smoke cigars often. . . for good reason. |
One of my students snapped this filtered pic of me with their phone at the end of the day. Teenagers are weird. |
Alayna's friend, Cristina, was also featured in the library's annual art thing, and her piece that was selected was one she painted from a picture taken at our family lake house on Eight Point Lake (you might recognize the handsome gentleman driving the jet ski.) |
The skeleton poised at the front of my classroom has collected a ton of bling throughout the school year. Every year it's interesting to see how much random crap this guy obtains over the course of nine months. |
My building custodian has clearly had it with 8th graders trashing the Boys Bathroom. . . |
Samson tries making a friend with a squirrel in the backyard.
Off to another sleepover with her gang of friends. |
Kris and Abby, out at a dinner date at Proper Taco. |
They're gonna blow-out a couple toilets later, that's for damn sure. |
Kris took Alayna to the mall in order to get second piercings in each of her ears. She said it didn't hurt as bad as she thought it would, but I think it hurt worse than she let on.
And, in closing, here's some random artifact I found tucked up above an air vent above the basement drop ceiling of our house. Apparently it's been up there a bit. See ya next month, folks. |
- Brian