Saturday, February 27, 2021

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

What's up, America.

So we've had a butt-load of snow lately, and, since the weather today was in the low 30s and sunny today, Kris decided it'd be fun to build a family of snowmen with the kids in the front yard.  Why in the front yard, and not in the backyard, I have no idea.  Whatever.

Anyway, I had some work inside I had to tackle throughout the afternoon, so I wasn't on hand to fully document this particular, ole-timey, family event. . . but fortunately our Amazon Ring doorbell was.

It would appear that I've been replaced by robots.

Behold - a series of videos that capture the process of snow people construction.

Earlier that day, shoveling off the walkway before we headed to the morning church service.
The process begins. . .
The finished product.  From Left to Right: Yours Truly, Kris, Abby and Alayna.
A couple days later, after some temperatures hovering in the low 40s with sun, I took this picture of our poor, poor family. . .
An additional few days later.  Anyone driving past our house as to be creeped the f*** out.
Later, the next week.  And so go the Houghs.

- Brian

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