Friday, July 19, 2019

Eight Point Lake '19, Pt. II


Day II
"Tubing, Boating, and Feasting"

It had rained overnight, and was still cloudy when I got up to take the obligatory 'morning over the lake' picture.
Kris and Cindy slave away in a furnace-like kitchen.
Talkin' shop
Throwin' Trash while waiting for Breakfast
After Breakfast, the sun came out and I pulled a few kayaks that were up here at the Cottage into the lake for the girls - well, Abby and Christina, at any rate - to try out.
Later on in the morning, Dad and I decided to take the girls out tubing.  Brian had bought this new-fangled contraption this summer, so the girls were looking forward to trying it out.
Right off the bat, Alayna was not a fan.  As can be seen here.
She seriously tubed for about two minutes, tops.
These two ended up tubing for quite awhile, though.
Meanwhile, on the S.S. White. . .
Totally content not riding on a tube.
This thing is ridiculously hard to flip over, but the girls were able to get a little bit of air from time to time.
There's only so much you can do when being pulled behind a pontoon boat. . .
After lunch, we decided to load up the boats for another stint at the Sandbar.
Yes, we brought the dogs again.
Drying off.  This dude does not appreciate swimming in the lake.
Someone threw up this volleyball net up on the sandbar for the populace to use, which was pretty cool.  Didn't get a whole hell of a lot of use while we were there this year, but whatever.
Is it illegal to rip flowers off lily pads?  How is that a thing?
What the hell is my wife doing. . .
Uncle Bryan babysitting.
Worn out dogs.
The kids get bored after an hour or so, so they tend to climb back onto the boats and just whine until we end up leaving.  Which is totally awesome.
Leaving the Sandbar after a couple hours of fun in the sun.
When we got back to the Cottage, the kids all needed a break and a few ice cream sandwiches.
While kids recuperated, Dad and I decided to take the pontoon boat out around the lake on a kid-less, wife-less, Classic Rock cruise. . .
Meanwhile, Kris and the girls tried out the new paddle boat.
(I don't envy her in the slightest.)
It was getting cloudy again - we were scheduled to get a storm later in the evening/overnight.
One can't drive a boat and take pictures at the same time, folks.
Dad and I were still on our Classic Rock cruise around the lake when Brian took some of the kids out to do some more tubing before dinner. . .
Of course the boys were able to tip the tube over.
Swimming back all the way from the buoy must suck.
Our humble cottage.
For dinner, we were having Mexican food - tacos, nachos, etc. - over at the cottage that the Whites rented for the week.
All hail the Shatner.
Their cabin has a weird loft thing that contains a bed.  That's a broken limb waiting to happen, if you ask me.
Bizarro nephew photobomb.  'Cause Bradley.
Chow time.  This meal was awesome.
What can I say, I'm a snappy dresser.
Kids bein' weird.
Duke has a hankerin' for some Mexican food. . .
There's some weird-ass cartoons on television these days. . .
The adult table. 
Trying out the loft.
Back at the Cottage, we lit a fire and prepared to take the pontoon out for some mid-lake swimming.
Pretty dead on the lake at this time in the evening.
Plugging your nose while you dive makes you look six years old.  I'm just sayin'.
This beer tastes like a margarita.  Pretty damn perfect on a summer evening on the lake.
Bryan takes over as DJ on the boat.  Pretty safe bet we're listening to Bro Country.
Uncle Bryan don't wanna swim no mo'.
A couple of middle-aged ladies swimming under the influence.
Throwing nephews into the lake. . .
After our mid-lake swim session, we came back to grab some cooler-weather clothing, restock coolers and re-board the pontoon for our daily sunset cruise.
Kris, having another stroke.
Am I seriously drinking a Diet Coke?
Back at the Cottage, enjoying the evening's fire.
Once again, late-night snacks with Uncle Bryan. 

(to be continued. . .)
- Brian

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