Happy Halloween, America!
Honestly, this has been pretty anti-climatic for the Houghs, seeing how the pinnacle of
our Halloween season is our annual
Halloween Party and all. The girls have classroom Halloween parties and a costume parade at school, we take them Trick or Treating, and thaaaat's about it. Nothing super crazy, it almost feels like an
Epilogue at this point in the grand scheme of things.
Still, we have to jump through the hoops with it all, because our kids - unlike Kris and I - look forward to Halloween itself moreso than our party. I assume it's the candy.
So yeah. Here's how
All Hallow's Eve went down in 2018. Behold. . .
Kris took the day off so she could swing into the school and help out in the girls' classrooms, take pictures, and watch the costume parade. |
Alayna's 5th grade classroom (she's towards the left.) |
Alayna and some of her squad (Maddie, Christina, Noah, and Jazmine.) |
Abby, Larkin, aaaaand I don't know the other kid. |
Back in 3rd Grade. . . |
Abby shows off her 'Haunted House' shoe box. |
Some of Alayna's 5th Grade Class. |
Post-Halloween party. |
Not sure what's happening here. |
These must be out of order or something - this looks like when Abby's classroom was actually making their Haunted Houses. Kris' phone must be messed up. |
I had a half-day at work, so I was able to walk down and pick the girls up from school (this pathway that leads to the school playground is like a block from our house, which is super convenient.) |
A few hours later, a couple pharaohs all ready to start Trick or Treating. |
Ready for plunder. |
Our friends, the Johnsons, host a 'base camp,' so to speak, during Midland's Trick or Treating hours. They have a fire pit in their driveway, they cook up a bunch of hot dogs and appetizers, and otherwise just hangout while trick-or-treaters frequent their house for candy. We parked our van over by their house and dropped off our cooler (filled with my designated Halloween-ish craft beers) before setting off around the block with the kids. |
Eric stayed back, but Courtney and their daughter accompanied us and a group of others through the neighborhood. |
The crew. |
The Cannonball, hammin' it up as usual. |
Houghs, Johnsons, and Davises. |
After an hour or so of Trick or Treating, I headed back to the Johnson's to drink a few beers around the fire with a few of the other dads. Eventually, the women and children returned from their Trick or Treating venture - bags filled with hard-earned candy - and we grazed on the spread that was set up in the Johnson's garage. Around 9pm, we headed home, where I cracked open the final Halloween beer of the year - an offering from Michigan's own Vivant. |
While the girls watched a Halloween movie (Casper, this time around), they ate, sorted, and organized their scores. |
Watson had to be restrained. He was pretty excited about the kids' newly-acquired loot. |
. . . and that was Halloween 2018. See ya next year, America. |
- Brian
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