Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fall is Just Something That Grown Ups Invented

What's up, readers.

So today was a stressful, anxiety-ridden day of emotion:  the First Day of School.  As a teacher, I hate the first day of a new school year with a passion:  you have to nail everything down perfectly on the first day in order to avoid pit traps later in the school year (first impressions, procedures and routines, etc.)  It's a lot of pressure, and before the day even starts I'm already looking forward to Day Two (from that point on it's fine.)

Anyway, the day went fine, just as it always does, but I tend to suffer a disproportionate amount of stress and anxiety over the first day of school.  The girls, on the other hand, were both super excited to be back in a classroom with their friends.  Sadly, neither of them ended up being in the same class as their BFFs, but both had other friends in there so it was fine.  Abby was a little apprehensive about starting second grade, but she got over it quickly.  Alayna was shot out of cannon and pumped the second she woke up, which was expected since she's been a social butterfly since moving up here.

I've included some shots here of my classroom, set up for the influx of a new batch of 8th graders, and some shots Kris took from the girls' first day back to the Grind, for your viewing pleasure.


My classroom, from the view of my desk.
Other front corner, from the view of the Flag.
Underneath the Flag, an oil painting of Native Americans I pinched from Granny Hough's house.  I'm sure she'd approve.
My in-class library, for student use.
Student supplies, and a very dapper wolf print I purchased online (my house sigil is a wolf, and it serves as our mascot.)
Sadly, neither Bernie Sanders or Kodos ended up winning the 2016 election. . .
My command center.
Mr. Hough's desk.
This computer's hooked up to my Promethean Smartboard.
All ready to roll for the First Day of School
. . . and the other one.

Obligatory picture-in-front-of-the-School shot.
Putting away her backpack in her new classroom.
Sort of nervous to be in a new class, but she eventually grew to enjoy it.
A much-needed nightcap.

- Brian

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